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● ○ ○laiamay spending international break a little differently🫶🏼🌴

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spending international break a little differently🫶🏼🌴

tagged: finnwagner
Liked by julianbrandt, valenciatorr and 681,540 others


Username1 ngl i kinda shipped her with mason 🤷‍♀️
>username2 same but you don't know if they're dating

valenciatorr girl the sun is making you GLOW!
>laiamay it feels like heaven! 🤩

sophiaweber It wasn't just the pancakes 🥞🤣
>laiamay the way he was eyeing them made me uncomfortable 😳
>finnwagner you make good pancakes 🤷‍♂️

finnwagner my eyes have been blessed this trip 😍❤️‍🔥
>laiamay likewise 😘

julianbrandt just going to say is I saw this coming 🤷🏼‍♂️
>laiamay you're on holiday with us...

Username Mason's been real quiet 🤫

Username they're so cute!!! ☺️

danielricciardo so he's the reason she ditched seeing us landonorris 😑
>landonorris the betrayal 💔😩
>laiamay you two are too much plus I was planning on going to Ferrari instead 🤭🤚🏼
>danielricciardo you better be joking rn.

charlottesine gorgeous! 😍
>laiamay love you gorg! 🫶🏼🤍

Username i think she's better off with Mason honestly
>username she can be with whoever she wants

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private messages
Christian P🇺🇸🤍

Christian P🇺🇸🤍
Tell me why I'm just now learning about you and Finn???
Christian P🇺🇸🤍
Mason is PISSED
Christian P🇺🇸🤍

Lai Lai💐
1. good morning to you too grumpy 😘
Lai Lai💐
2. I thought Jule would have told you because you ALWAYS talk to him,
sometimes I think you should have married him instead
Lai Lai💐
3. Why should Mason be pissed ? We aren't and were not a couple so?

Christian P🇺🇸🤍
He called me last night RANTING about how he thought he cleared things up between you two
and how he thought you two were getting somewhere.
Christian P🇺🇸🤍
I don't know but he seemed pretty hurt Laia, I think you two have to sort some things out 🤔

Lai Lai💐
We did in a way, I'm just trying to figure some things out
Lai Lai💐
I'm so confused about so many things so I'm  using the break as a way to figure things out
Lai Lai💐
Plus now he knows how i felt with the whole Gabi situation before I left, he would always flirt with me and
I started to like him then BAM all of a sudden he's dating Gabriela. So i think i deserve to figure out my feelings as well 🤷‍♀️

Christian P🇺🇸🤍
I didn't text to argue but I get where you both are coming from
Christian P🇺🇸🤍
So how does it feel with Finn? And please leave out and extra info

Lai Lai💐
as if I would tell you all the extra info 😑
Lai Lai💐
but it feels really good. Like really good.
Lai Lai💐
He treats me really well but I just don't know if it's what I'm looking for rn. I have a few days to figure it out anyway.

Christian P🇺🇸🤍
You deserve to be happy Lai Lai, make sure to think about what you really want.

Lai Lai💐
thank you captain 🫡
Lai Lai💐
But seriously christian, i don't know what I'd do without you❤️
Lai Lai💐
But i gotta go! Talk to you later?

Christian P🇺🇸🤍
I'm always here when you need me ❤️
Christian P🇺🇸🤍
Yeah, talk to you later 🫡
Seen 14.30

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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