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September 27th, 2021
8.45 am
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"How is he always so smiley in the morning?". Laia groaned walking up the stairs of the team plane as she stared at N'Golo Kanté who was laughing and smiling with Ross Barkley.

"I don't know but I need a coffee as soon as possible". Ben complained next to her before they reached the entrance of the plane and both of them greeted the flight attendants in a tired tone but as enthusiastic as they could muster at this hour.

"Good morning sunshine!". Laia jolted as she heard a loud voice coming from behind her and felt an arm link hers, she turned to meet the eyes of no other than Mason.

"You're too loud at this hour, please hush a little". She begged the boy who didn't unlink their arms but instead led them to their seats that he himself decided to assign to them.

"So you don't want the coffee I brought you?". Laia's ears perked at the word coffee as she looked down at the boys other hand to see that sure enough he was holding a takeaway cup of coffee, the small little gesture brought a smile onto the blonde's face.

"You're a lifesaver!". The last thing Mason expected was a small kiss on the cheek from the blonde, he turned to look at the girl who had a small smile on her face with a tinge of red slowly coating her freckle filled cheeks.

"If I get that reaction every time I get you coffee I think I'll do it more often". The Chelsea commented with a smirk on his face which made him receive a small gentle nudge to his side in return from the girl next to him.

They had both gotten to their seats and got themselves comfortable with Laia taking the window seat after Mason offered it to her, the chain of events slowly brought butterflies to her stomach as Mason had remembered all the things she loved right before a flight from the times they used to travel in the academy together. Everything he did brought a sense of normality to Laia and the memories of their friendship they once had with subtle flirting, small gestures like bringing each other coffee in the mornings and piggy back rides that Laia would force Mason to give her just came flooding back.

She had slowly drifted off to sleep thinking of those memories regardless of the coffee she had just consumed, but what felt like only 10 minutes she was woken up by the plane jolting as it made contact with the tarmac of Turin airport. The caffeine from the coffee earlier seemed to have remained in her system as she woke up relatively quick compared to when she hadn't consumed the addictive substance, she reached down to grab her backpack from under the seat but stopped once she realised the weight put on her right shoulder.

Laia looked down to discover a sleeping Mason who must've fallen asleep not long after her since he seemed to be deep asleep, as much as she wanted to stay like this a little longer they had to get off the plane which meant she had to wake the sleeping boy up.

"Mason". She slightly nudged him in an attempt to wake him up but failed since he nuzzled into her shoulder even more.

"Five more minutes". He moaned as Laia had nudged him a second time.

"Well if you don't get off and wake up I'll lose all the feeling in my arm". She said as she gave him a final shove and this time it had done the trick and woken him up.

Both of them had collected their bags with Mason following behind the girl since she had gotten her cabin luggage first, they both made their way out of the plane saying goodbye to the flight attendants and squinting their eyes as soon as their eyes came into contact with the bright afternoon sunlight. At the bottom of the stairs they were met by the media team who had set up their camera to capture the arrival of all the players to put on the clubs social media.

"Look at sleeping beauty over here". Laia laughed as she pointed to a disheveled Mason behind her, who was in the process of waking up but gave a small smile and wave to the camera before giving his laughing teammate a death stare in return.

The whole team had gotten themselves on the bus and only waited for the media team to join them, in the meantime the whole team got a briefing from Thomas about their schedule for the rest of the day which they hoped would be free, but to their disappointment it wasn't with training being 2 hours from when they arrived at the hotel.

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pasta with ketchup
[12 participants]

12:48 pm

could do with a fat nap right about now
but tommy t has other ideas. 🙄

chipmunk 🐿
the two lovebirds won't need a nap
the looked all comfy together

I think I saw some drool coming from Laia

when I thought you boys couldn't get
any more annoying you prove me wrong 😑
but no I think the drool was coming from mason because my
shoulder seems better than his travel pillow

top blaster 🔫
very uncomfortable pillow
barely got any sleep

sure mr 'five more minutes'
was like sleeping beauty minus the prince

captain america
sure but instead it was laia giving her
prince charming a kiss

don't make me sick

top blaster 🔫
ugh you've wounded me

you or your ego?
you're ego could use a little deflating tbh

top blaster 🔫
so could your big head you have

real original mase😑

literally has not changed one bit over the
makes me nostalgic 🥲

makes you sound like an old man too

you literally can't leave them alone for 5 minutes
without them getting at each other's throats

chipmunk 🐿
this trip will be more interesting than I thought

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