Chapter 1:Change Is Coming

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All that we see or seem,
Is but a dream within a dream.
-Edgar Allen Poe

God laughs at our plans.
I'll never forget that day.The day of my death,and rebirth.
Dipa Sanatani is quoted saying 'With death,there is always rebirth.'Rebirth cannot happen without death.It is all part of that great cosmic balance.

I believe this to be true.We have to say goodbye to what was, to welcome what could be.

Your not going to believe what I'm about to tell you.
I understand that.
I still have a hard time with it sometimes myself.

But every tale begins with a single grain of truth.

This is my truth.

Part 1
May,1984,Seattle, Washington

I was wearing a beautiful white gown,dusted with-what?Shimmering diamond flecks?A wedding gown?

I was so happy.Ecstatic.I'd never been so happy.

He came out of literally nowhere!A fog. This faceless man,dressed in what looked like a khaki security guard outfit.
Grabbing me from behind.Slapping a
collar on my neck. Choking me.

"Terribly sorry."he said,not too

I woke in a cold sweat,gasping for air.

Of course.Another nightmare.

I sat there a moment, rubbing the sleep from my eyes,trying to shake it.I had goosebumps up and down my arms.

A familiar sound snapped me out of it.

Mee-row-w, mee-row-w.

I looked at the clock.
4 a.m.

Groggily,I stumbled the short distance across my studio apartment to the door, cracking it open,and 'Cat' slipped in.

"You're really going to have to learn to fend for yourself,squirt."I told the small kitten,who was making figure eights around my ankles.

"Fine."I relented.

Ya,I'm a sucker.But..look at that smushy

Crossing the room to my kitchenette, I opened Cat a can of tuna and sat it on the floor,with a bowl of water.

Then I made myself oatmeal and orange juice.I needed to keep it light today.

It had been a incredible year.Prince
released,then starred in Purple Rain.I don't listen to a lot of top Ten,but his music I liked.

The Cold War raged on and the Soviet Union returned the favor by boycotting our Olympics.Im not a big fan of this  type of manipulative media coverage.So much of it is contorted,and the masses just eat it up.

We had the first female to run in a presidential party,but Regan still won by a landslide, again.Don't get me started on that.

They finally found the cause of AIDS, HIV.This pandemic created such hysteria.Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist,but I always felt it was created by the government,to use as warfare, and it got out of control.Try expressing that opinion and watch the looks you  get!

Micheal Jackson accidentally set his hair on fire, while making a commercia of all things!!That was just-bizarre.

And,there was the interstellar stroll during the Challenger mission,cordless.

Helluva year.

While it was the year of making a statement, I preferred to stay... inconspicuous.

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