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Chapter 1
Saint or savior?What if the only difference is who's telling the story?-Unknown

Tauriel helped me dress for the dinner,after I dismissed the attendants.I wasn't really comfortable with them.Ive never really been one to wear dresses.

Another one was sent,even though I haven't had the chance to wear the first he had made for me.This one was a crushed velvet,in deep blue.

I wasn't really one for dresses,but Tauriel did a good job,fixing my hair with a flower garland,three thin braids on each side of my head, swooping to meet in the back.She dabbed some perfumed oil behind my ears,on my neck,and the pulse points of my wrists.

"Perfect."she said,standing back to look at me.

I felt my cheeks flush.

"I'm not sure why I have to meet this sorceress."

"She's more than that, Gabriella. Shes the head of the White Council.You should feel honored."

"I just feel...apprehensive."

"We'll have none of that.Just be yourself,smile,and address her as Lady Galadriel."

I was shown to the dining hall where the king waits,sitting at the head of this enormous redwood slab table,rising with a stunned expression upon seeing me.

How breathtaking she is.

Lady Galadriel is announced, Thranduil introduces them and Lady Galadriel takes my hand in hers,instantly having a vision. I feel like she's staring into my soul.

The expression on my face was neither a friendly,nor unfriendly greeting.Just a unspoken warning not to mess with me.

The fierce and wise Galadriel was almost taken aback by it,but instantly felt she knew this young lady,who seemed unaware she was Elfen.

Thranduil knows she sees something.

They are seated and served one spectacular course after another,while they discuss the joining of realm forces to eradicate the orcs,and then the odd new presence of a serpent (dragon).

Galadriel throws a hint,that the Dolderi clan were each presented a dragon at birth,that would go to the ends of the earth to seek out thier elf.

The exchanged look between them,then the kings slight smile to me,made me a little suspicious.

Are they still trying to convince themselves I'm elfen?

Thranduil is very impressed at the change in Gabriella, down to her perfect table manners.

Galadriel finally agreed to call for a white council meeting to unite the clans,after much debate,then told me we would meet again,and turned to the king.

"The truth can only be revealed to he who is ready to receive it."

Okay.She knows.That has to be what that was about!

I had struggled with my decision all night,concerning the kings offer,yet knowing I had to figure out how to return home.

I don't accept failure.

This theory that I arrived in a wormhole seems the only logical answer.

That needs an entrance and an exit. From what I remember reading,its possible, theoretically, to connect a black hole,a region of space where nothing can escape, to a white hole,one where nothing can enter. When they join together, they form a wormhole.

So you can jump into either end of this tunnel and instead of getting crushed, you just walk out the other side,unharmed.

Well,I didn't exactly WALK out.

The Elf King, Gabriella:Rise Of A QueenWhere stories live. Discover now