Chapter 15-Visayas

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He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you." -Unknown

The serpent(dragon)flies close above thier heads,as if searching, or assessing the situation.

Reveal yourself,my darling child!

Galadriel tells Thranduil he  seeks Gabriella,and he knows we mean her no harm.

Galadriel tries to communicate with him,but isn't sure he understands,or is just uninterested in any thing she has to say.

He lands again,close to the mouth of the guarded hole.The Orc guards duck in,taking cover.

He thrashed his head around viciously,boulders falling and rolling.Eyeing the orcs,he dicharged a incredible stream of fire,igniting them all.

The king shuddered,  remembering the last time he
saw such a sight, touching his
scarred face.Then set his resolve.

Nothing,NOTHING will stop me!

The elves cheered loudly,causing the dragon to spin around and eye them suspiciously.

"Quiet!"Thranduil ordered,"Stand down!"

The dragon turned to the hole, struggling to enter,but was too large.More boulders fell.

"He cannot enter,but senses her presence, and will stop at nothing to get to her."Galadriel explained.

"Will he let us pass?"Thranduil asks.

Galadriel explained he must be approached carefully, and that person has to be accepted as no threat.Only then can those with them also be accepted.

She tried to communicate with the serpent again.

"I will go.I know of serpents."the
king states,beginning to step forward,but Galadriel puts a hand on his arm.

"No,Lord Thranduil.You are far
too aggressive as of yet.A woman is a better choice."

"I volunteer."Tauriel says,with
newfound determination.

"THAT is out of the question!"
She looks at Legolas as if he struck her.

"I do not take my orders from you,Lord Legolas."

"Father-"Legolas begins to protest,but Galadriel interjects.

"I must be the one."

"Galadriel-"the king said,shaking his head.

"I am well aquainted with serpents,my lord.Those of the north, and the Dolderi serpents.I am the logical choice."

She slowly approaches the menacing creature,as it snarls, flames glowing in its mouth.

"Where is Gabriella, sorceress-s-ss?What have you done with-th her?"

The dragon sounds like a sage, with a deep mellifluous voice holding an air of authority and certainty,yet dangerously

Galadriel stands her ground.

"It was not of our doing,Great and powerful Visayas."Galadriel tries to explain,the serpents heated breath whipping her hair around her face,"We are her friends."

"Bring-g my child to me-ee."

"You will let us pass?"

The serpent gave her a unnervingly close sniff of inspection,as everyone watched in horror.

"Only you may pass-s-ss."

Galadriel explained that she  alone could not complete the task,and impatient Thranduil came forward.

The dragon wanted to eat him, feeling wickedness surrounding him.

"Tread s-softly,Elfking-g-gg."

"Do your worst,serpent.I have faced the wrath of your kind before."the king vowed,"-for nothing,short of DEATH will keep
me from her!"

Impressed by his courage,and seeing the love he has for her,the serpent allowed Thranduil and his small group in.

"S-send them to me,elf-fking-g."
Visayas commanded,"I will kill
them all!"

It wasn't long before they came across more soldiers, killing them quickly,with deadly accuracy,then moving forward.
Thranduil sustains a substantial wound,but refuses to stop.They knew nothing would stop him.

Nothing short of death,little dove!
I'm coming for you!

They press on,then get trapped,as they knew they would,in this large enclosed cavern,where their holding Gabriella,chained to a giant stalagmite formation. Some Orc idol,no doubt.

The elves killed a great number
before subdued,yet they just kept coming.The new chieftan had amassed a impressive army.

The kings rage grew as he eyed the many wounds his love has suffered,her battered body,head slumped over.She was barely recognizable.

This is where it is to be?As you wish,Oggrut-Gorin,for you will all
die this day!


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