Chapter 11-Confessions and Revelations

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"We all know him to be a proud, unpleasant sort of man; but this would be nothing if you really liked him."Pride and Prejudice
(Jane Austen)

"Otheron!"the kings voice boomed,pacing angrily in the throne room,"He has her!"

No,my king."the guard nervously informed him,"She simply - walked out."

"And you let her,you insulate-"

"Father, we're wasting time."

"Have our steads saddled!We leave at once!"

They met at the gate.

"Legolas,you and Tauriel take a troop south,my guards and I are headed north."

He has her!Lured her out with some sort of roose,I'm sure of it!
I will not be swayed from killing him tonight!


I didn't know how I was going to do it,just knew I had to.I had to get back to my dad,get back in my body and heal it.

I tied my hair up in a bun, twining a loose strand around to secure it.

It was so hot.

I didnt get far,even though I was running,when I heard it.

The thump of hooves,lots of them!

He's coming.

I was in the middle of a field, there was nowhere to hide.I
turned just in time to see him
and Zenfeare galloping at a high speed out of the fog.

At first he seemed relieved,but that quickly changed to pure rage.

I knew it was futile,but I ran,as fast as my legs would carry me.

That was a mistake.

He caught up to me in a flash.I turned to fight,his impossibly strong arm swooped me up, slamming me down in the saddle in front of him.

"Let me go!Now!"


He would never stop,I knew that.

Not unless he hated me.

"Let me go!I have to leave!I don't want to stay with you!"

He turned Zenfeare quickly, racing back to the kingdom.

Please let me go!

"You are a monster,do you know that!?"I said,hating it the minute it left my mouth,"I know the unforgivable things you've done!"

"You will be silent."he said in that low, dangerous tone.


"I won't stay!No one would!Not your son,not even your wife!"

He'd heard enough,yanking my head back by my hair,"Am I to die worrying over you endlessly?!Rattling on about things you know nothing of!"he spat,with a yank to my hair,his mouth came down on mine hard,possessive, "You wish to drive me from you?Can you not see,or are you that naive?I almost started a war-"he seethed,his mouth still against hers,"-you are mine,do you understand?!In whatever capacity I wish to have you.You will not run.No one else shall touch you!"he emphasized this with his teeth biting my lip,"-have I made myself clear?"

I felt a trickle of blood.


"I will never give myself to someone like you!Man or elf!"

The Elf King, Gabriella:Rise Of A QueenWhere stories live. Discover now