Book 2

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Such is the nature of evil

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Such is the nature of evil. Out there in the vast ignorance of the world it festers and spreads. A shadow that grows in the dark. A sleepless malice as black as the oncoming wall of night. So it ever was. So will it always be. In time all foul things come forth."-The Hobbit,
The Desolation of Smaug

Saurons Wives

One moment, we were enjoying the most peaceful day we had for some time. Joking, laughing, teasing each other. It was wonderful.

The next, we were being attacked from all directions. We never saw it coming. Why didn't we see it coming? This is what we do, who we are!

We were back to back, fighting off these- what? Witches?Vampires? And these other unrecognizable creatures, half bat, half-we had no idea! Some two stories tall, shooting fire from their eyes, claw-footed, trying to stomp us into nothingness. Some smaller, horse sized, but just as fierce, with several layers of teeth, and lizard tongues, dripping a acid-like saliva. Then there was actual bats, tangling in our hair, trying to rip it from the roots, or blind us.

We were fighting with everything we had. Killing everything that came near us, with the fierceness of the skilled warriors we are. Utilizing all we had in our personal arsenals.Thier numbers were dwindling, but these vampire witches were a different matter. They were unlike any we'd fought before, having powers not unlike my own.

"Who are you? What do you want of us? "I yelled to the sky, as they flew sporadically above, screaming and cackling, while throwing fireballs at us.

"My love,do not."Thranduil warned, protectively backing up closer to me. "The wives of Sauron,perhaps offspring. I know not. Cursed. They are here to kill us."

One let out a blood curdling scream, trying to fly at us, with such speed, it was hard to keep our eyes on her. Thranduil tried to slice his blade through her, to no avail.

"You dare let my Lord's name cross your lips, would be king??"
They were the most hideous by far. Eyes,although hypnotizing, bulged,and moved in a unnatural ways.In fact,thier facial figures, I was positive, had once been extraordinary, but now we're contorted with evil. Fingers knotted and bent as if they had been broken several times over, with long, cracked and jagged greyish nails.

Just the site of these- women, could strike panic in the hearts of weaker souls.Yet I had a unborn child to protect.

We had been separated in battle with the morgul magic witches. Something we promised never to do,but it was not of our doing.It always lead to dire consequences. The witches separated us purposefully.It happened so quickly,a wave of witches, creatures,and illusion.When I fought through them and managed to clear the illusion,I tried telepathically to reach him, with no response.Gut wretching panic set in.I flew straight up, calling out his name,then telepathically screaming.I frantically scanned the field,then saw his elk.Dread filled my heart.Within a second I was there and witches scattered all directions.I turned each I could
to dust,but they moved so fast, and in such odd patterns,I only got a few.My only thought was my unresponsive husband.I covered his battered and bleeding body with mine,as the witches tried to attack me during this unguarded moment.They had been merciless with there attack on Thranduil.

"V!I need you!"

Fire shot from V's mouth as he torched every witch and creature is his path to me.He was wounded as well,but not too seriously from what I could see,thank God.
"Hurry V!Please!"I cried out, beyond distraught seeing my husband near death.
V landed inches from me, covering the attacks with his massive tail.
"The king!Hurry!We must get him to safety!"
A leisurely outing turned into a nightmare!
"Hold on my love.Hold on.Listen to my voice,and hold on!"I cried, talking to him the minutes it took to return to Mirkwood.
The witches couldn't penetrate the forcefield I had around it.

I bellowed orders.
"Open the doors now!I yelled, floating off V,with the king in my powerful arms,"See to V's injuries.Send the healers to our chambers at once!Send for the White council!MOVE!"
I flew the king with the speed of light to our chambers,lying him carefully on the bed.
"Don't you think of leaving me,my love.You fight!"
I wasn't sure if he could hear.He laid unconscious,loosing alot of blood.I ripped his clothing away to work on his wounds,the worst first.He was wounded everywhere!But these wounds... were they bites?Some looked like they were to the bone!Gaping holes in his beautiful physique.
"My God!What have they done to you!"
He was barely recognizable!
"Please God!Please!"I begged, tears blurring my vision as I worked fast to heal his wounds. "Don't you dare take him from me!"I screamed to the Gods.
The healers ran in just as Thranduils eyes flew open,ruby red!He began writhing in horrible anguish.
"By the Gods!Our king !He's turned!"one said,backing away.
I grabbed him by the neck.
"He is your king!You will aide me!"I said,eyes glowing with anger.
"My queen,he is turning...into a vampire.We must-"
I raised him off his feet.
"Anyone harms him, I'll torch this entire kingdom!"I spewed venomously,"Guards!Send for my son!"
It was a long night.I managed to heal his wounds,as he thrashed and convulsed,with no help from the healers,who were afraid to come near him.
"Cowards!Get out!"
Neither would the White council enter.This was Morgul dark magic,and he was considered cursed.
Legolas and Tauriel,along with our adopted orc daughter was all I had,and it was enough.They stood guard as I worked on him.
Thranduils wounds slowly closed,his beauty,now more entrancing than ever.
Around dawn,his eyes fluttered open.
"The light."he mumbled,barely audible.
Legolas quickly closed the shutters.
My face fell to his chest,as I sobbed uncontrollably.
"Little dove,no.All is well.Please, no."he crooned against my head."Look.I am well."
I raised my eyes,and everyone gasped.His eyes now glowed.
"Starving,in fact."
"Starving?"I repeated cautiously, "-for what?"
"Everything smells so wonderful. You smell wonderful."he said, sitting up.
"Husband-"I began,then turned to the others,"Leave us."
"No."legolas stated,"I won't let him harm you."
"What?!"Thranduil said,"my son-"
"Look."legolas said,snatching a hand mirror from the bureau, holding it to him,"Look at your eyes,those fangs!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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