Chapter 5-Leap of Faith

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You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump.-Anonymous
Part 1

I guess you could say I took a leap of faith,hoping I didn't bash my skull in on a rock!He really left me with no other choice.Ive read how they tortured their prisoners in the middle ages,it bordered on sadistic!

The water was so icy,shocking my body, slowing me down,but I had to fight through it,and keep going.Thank you Grams,for forcing me to take swimming lessons!I came up for air and heard the guards yelling,but the kings voice boomed over everything.


Good luck with that.

I took a deep breath and went down.

Its easy to drown getting pulled down by a under current,but it wasn't too strong. Or suffering from hyperthermia if your in too long.I got lucky.When I saw the split,I knew to the right lead to the trap door where barrels where dropped.Its a good thing I read The Hobbit.Those barrels went down the river to Laketown.

No.Theyd be expecting that.Lying in wait. I'll take my chances to the left.

A few minutes, I'm going through a rock tunnel so tight,I had to float on my back. A claustrophobic feeling tried to creep in.

Is this tunnel getting smaller?No.Dont let panic in.Breath.

My feet hit a wall facing.The flow changed,trying to suck me down.I held on to a jagged rock.I felt above me.More rock.Cant go up.No choice.I took a deep breath and dovedown,keeping my  hands out in front of me,to protect my head.

Relax.Breath out through the nose,slow, steady.

I was just hoping against hope there were some underwater caverns,since water ran under the mountain.

Just give me a air pocket,for Christ sake!
No.Calm.Stay calm.

It was pitch black,for what seemed like forever,but it couldn't have been a little over a minute. Protruding rocks sliced my arms.I wasn't worried about that. They would probably heal before I hit the surface.The whole running out of air thing,a little concerning!I knew I couldn't keep this up for longer than two,three minutes at best.

Then I saw it.

Just a speck of light,as if guiding me to it.I gave it everything I had.As the light grew,the water became a beautiful blue-green.I burst to the surface,gasping for air.I couldn't believe what I was seeing!A amethyst cave!My God!It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing!A amethyst cave!My God!It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen!

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Exhausted,I crawled up onto a flat rock. It was so warm to my freezing body.

Don't fall asleep!

I tried to distract myself,and my mind went to Grams.How she was always cutting a deal with Ray for me taking karate.Swimming and piano lessons,girl scouts, dance classes.I even had to take Home Economics in high school.You didn't argue with Grams.I hated alot of it,but learned a great deal.

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