Chapter 20-Story Time

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Bride of fire,clasp me now close,
Bride of fire,
I have shed the bloom of the earthly rose.
I have slain desire.
Beauty of the light surround my
Beauty of the light!
I have sacrificed longing and parted from grief,
I can bear thy delight!
Image of ecstasy,thrill and enlace,
Image of bliss!
I would see only thy marvelous
Feel only thy kiss!
Voice of Infinity,sound in my heart,
Call of the One!
Stamp there thy radiance,never to part.
O living sun.
-Sri Aurobindo

We lay for a long time,completely entwined,telling each other everything,and whispering words of love only lovers share with one another.Then we shared a little of our lives.

I told him about my horrible experiences in foster homes
after being left all alone. How I had almost been molested,even telling him what I had to do,to protect myself.

"You did well,little dove.So strong at such a tender age.He deserved far worse."

I continued with how that jaded me to the whole idea of love,until him. That I was beaten,starved. How alone I felt,and how I learned never to rely on anyone. Then I met Ray, who became my Sensei and foster dad, and his mother,who I called Grams.How they saved me,and how heartbroken I was when this woman,the only mother I'd had, died.

"I made a promise to you I intend on keeping."he said,cradling me in his arms,trying to soothe the pain away."You are alone no

I told him of my discovery,and he told me we must make haste,as soon as the White Council locate the portal,we must rejoin my bodies.

"I will be honored to meet your father."he said,"-and then I shall make all who harmed you suffer.This I vow."

"You'll come with me?"

"We stay together, remember?I am yours,you are mine."

"I am yours,you are mine."

I practically attacked him with kisses.Very unlike me,but I'd never felt so comfortable,so connected to another soul.

We were being careful with each other tenderly caressing,kissing,

He told me about the battle of Dagorlad when his father was killed,his parents now gone,and how he almost was.I touched his
cheek,almost feeling his pain in myself.

Could I heal him?With these new powers?With my touch? Maybe ease some of this pain?

How he had to become king at a young age to lead his people to safer lands. There was no time for grief.To young to be king,or a husband,but was blinded by love.

Did he think his marriage was a
mistake?Is that what he was trying to tell me?

No,little dove.Our union gave me my son.I will always cherish the
years she and I shared.

He explained how stubbornness and pride came between him and his wife, eventually leading to her demise, and how he will always blame himself.How it made him hard til he almost lost his son.

"I shall let neither become our
downfall.I vow this as well,upon my life."

"We're not going to have a

"We shall not."

We lay in silence awhile,finding solace in each other's embrace.

"Let me tell you a story,shall I?"he asked,a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes.Please." I said,curling in as he spooned behind me.

"How does this start?Ah,yes.Long ago,in a distant land-"

The Elf King, Gabriella:Rise Of A QueenWhere stories live. Discover now