Chapter 8-A Deadly Kiss

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The way you feel when you kiss him for the first time.Like fire within your bones.Like your soul has returned to the water.Like every part of you that came from a dead star is alive again.-Nikita Gill

Part 1

Legolas touches my shoulder as he passes,giving it a supportive squeeze.

Am I going to die?Defending my king?

I prepare myself for whatever fate has in store,and bow to the king.

"My lord."

"You will be silent,do you understand?"he said in a low, dangerous tone.

I nod,as he starts circling me,like a lion circling its prey.

"You defied my orders.Placed yourself in immediate danger. Unprepared!Putting YOUR KING,my guards,AND those innocent villagers in danger!"he stopped in front of me,angrier than I'd ever seen him.

I could barely meet his gaze,but refused to cower.

"Can I speak now?"I ask calmly.

"You may not!",he bellowed, "There is no explanation for crimes against the king!Kneel!"

That's when I noticed the shiny, razor sharp sword in his hand.

Although my legs threatened to shake out from under me,and I was loosing my mind inside,as calmly as I could, I did as he commanded, softly saying,"My king.",pulling my long hair to the side,revealing a slender neck.

Thranduil walked to my side, laying the cold steel to my neck.

He's going to kill me.

"I am doing you a kindness." he says,raising the blade above his head.

"Yes,my king."I said barely above a whisper.

I was going to let him.

"May the gods have mercy on your soul."he concludes.

The sword drops, not on me,but to the floor,with a echoing clang.

"By the gods!!!"he bellows,jerking me up,then,just as abruptly,his mouth comes down on mine,in a crushing kiss.

My first kiss.

I felt his angry mouth bruising my lips,and I didn't care, completely mesmerized by the taste and feel of him.

In unison,we slid to our knees,his large hand holding my head to his lips,the other arm encircling my waist,crushing me to him.His mouth completely possessed mine,lips grazing each other's, then devouring,his tongue darting in my mouth,teasing mine.I was undeniably lost in this brutal,yet tantalizing kiss.His long fingers pressed me further against him. He is unbelievably strong.I did not fight it.Had no fight in me at this moment.I never wanted it to end.

The kiss softened,our lips slightly parted.

"Can you not understand.. how worried.." he murmured in a mellifluous voice against my willing lips.Those words were sweeter than any melody I'd ever heard.

Just as quickly as he grabbed me,he pulled away,as if he had ahold of pure evil itself.

The king rose to his full regal stature, but I could not,drained by emotions I'd never experienced before.

"On your feet."he spat coldly.

I struggled to stand,bowing my head.I could feel his searing glare.

The silence was deafening.
"Look at your king when he speaks to you."

I slowly raises my eyes.

Could he see?

My eyes were always my worst enemy.They tell on me.
"I will spare your life,this day."

The Elf King, Gabriella:Rise Of A QueenWhere stories live. Discover now