Chapter 14-Vengance

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Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand, Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.
Titus Andronicus   by William Shakespeare- Act 2, Scene 3

They traveled without rest,and were back in a day.Legolas met them at the gate.

The king could see by the distraught look on his sons face,something terrible has occurred.

"She's been taken.Gabriella. Two days hence. The Orcs.Weve searched nonstop."

Even though Thranduil was exhausted,as was his elk,he rode off,enraged,with several guards, Legolas,Tauriel,and Galadriel close behind.

"I will kill them all!"Thranduil vowed.

"We must have a plan."Legolas said,keeping stride.

"That is the plan."Thranduil stated.

There was only one place they could hide from the elves.That disgusting hole they call home, deep underground.But they were crafty.The entrance changed

I will leave no stone unturned.
She could lives,I
would've felt otherwise.

Galadriel caught up with them.

"They think she is yours."she informed him,"-because you kept her close in battle."

"We must find her,before-"
Thranduils words fell away.

My heart,I'm coming!

"They will not harm her,my lord."Tauriel stated nervously, bringing up the other side of Legolas,"she is thier bartering tool."

Thranduil found little solace in that.

She has to be alive!

That didn't mean they weren't torturing her as they spoke!His
thoughts went to the ways Orcs are known to torture.The games they would play with their victims.

My little dove!No.NO!She is strong.Self heals.She knows I'll
find her.

Thranduil rode faster,his elk huffing hard.

The others could barely keep up.

"What was your order, Captain?"
the king seethed at Tauriel.

She could not look him in the eye.

By the time they reached the  wide,foreboding hole,surely the gateway to hell itself,the rest of Thranduils army were arriving, spreading out ,concealed, like Thranduils guards,behind the boulders on the cliffs above.

Crazed with fear for Gabriella, and more furious than any had ever seen him,Thranduil lashes out at Tauriel when she suggests they wait for nightfall.

"How could you let this happen?" he seethed,"I gave you but one command!!!You have failed me!Let her be taken!A unforgivable offense!"

"Enough!You will not speak to her this way!"Legolas stepped in.

It was as if the king didn't hear a word,mad with worry,murder in
his eyes.

Every word cut Tauriel a little deeper.Although she knew it was to no fault of her own,he was right,and she felt she had no defense.

"Father,this isn't helping the situation at hand.We must devise a plan."

Thranduil diverted his piercing gaze to his son.Tauriel was thankful for that.

Then Legolas saw the pure agony his father was in.It was heartbreaking to see.Only once had he seen such a look,when
he came back from war without his mother.

He was determined to do whatever it took to free his friend,and help his father.

The orcs had created a impenetrable stronghold,clearly in anticipation of this.It was obviously a trap.There must be another way in.Any underground creature has a escape exit. Thranduil sent scoots to check.
They could find nothing.They had no choice but to go in the front, which was heavily guarded with the best their new leader had to
offer.At least ten foot tall,armed to the teeth.

To their astonishment, out of nowhere the serpent appears, striking fear in the hearts of all.

The elves panic,begin to scatter, until Thranduil orders them to 'Stand Fast!' and 'Assume formation!'.

They instantly do as commanded, proudly,yet still nervously, ready to lay down thier lives.

It lands with a incredible thud atop the cliff boulders of the Orc
entrance.Rocks rain down.The
warrior Orcs,also well aware of the wrath of serpents,duck inside
the mouth of the cave.

The massive creature had gleaming multi-colored scales, which shone with a metallic sheen in the sunlight,and pale pink wing membranes.

It's bat-like wings fanned out as
a heart wrenching cry escaped it,
shaking the very ground they stood on.

The serpents ocean eyes scanned
the scene before it,as if deciding
who to devour first.

The serpents ocean eyes scanned the scene before it,as if decidingwho to devour first

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My darling little one.At long last,
I can feel you!


Psalm 40:2(NIV)2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

I came to,hearing this gut- wrenching cry,chained to this large stalactite,in the center of a
crude platform,with a rickety bridge.

All around seemed a bottomless pit.

I'm surprised I came to at all,
having been the Orcs human
pin cushion for the last few days.

Was that me?Did I make that sound?No.I'll never give them
the satisfaction.

I stayed inside my head alot,with every stab,every hit,every slice.
Thinking of Grams,and Ray.My

I tried not to focus on how much blood the human body could loose before dying,or how many stabs could case fatality.I self
healed as much as I could,but
I knew I could only do so much.

If I could only get loose long enough to slice this Chiefton Oggrut-Gorins miserable throat!


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