Chapter 9-As My King Commands

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Two broken people will fit
together perfectly,or destroy each other beyond repair.

Stop this!A Kings integrity should be beyond reproach!Do not!

He knew he should not be here,yet he COULD NOT make himself turn and leave.

He cautiously stepped into her bed chambers.

He was memorized by her peaceful face.Such a contradiction of her awake.

He knelt,memorizing every feature.

"Nin mel, nin aran."she whispered.
(My love,my king)

His entire body shook to his core.

He was immobilized with emotion.

Eyes still closed, obviously talking in her sleep.

Her hand slowly rose,slender fingers softly touching his cheek,then lifelessly dropped.

Shocked he stood,staring at her, still slumbering peacefully.

Silently,he stole away,lost in his thoughts,his hand touching the cheek she had just caressed.

She was dreaming about him.

The king was not kidding when he said I would live and breath the guard.

And I thought training with Ray was grueling!

For the next two weeks I only saw him from a distance, and spent every waking moment with them.We ate,drank,trained,and patrolled together.

Yet I could not distract myself
enough.I hated not seeing him,
but I didn't want to be around
him.I felt like a silly school girl!
But I couldn't seem to stop it.

The more I thought about that kiss,and his reaction after,the angrier I got .Not that I claim to be a expert in this area.But then I saw him in the gardens,maybe I was stalking a little,and I realized.He had his head in his hands,sitting in front of his wife's statue.I wanted to comfort him, but I knew he wouldn't want that.

We're both broken,damaged people.Always like a ticking time bomb,waiting to explode.

Whoever was unlucky enough to get stuck with either of us,would
be biting off more than they could chew.

All guards quarters were together, except for mine,which
I was concerned would cause
problems with the others,but
no one seemed to care.

I've found that this is how most elves are,they have little animosity towards each other.

I was outfitted in guards gear,not armor.I hadn't earned that yet,but still,I felt like finally,I belonged.

Those that had seen me fight knew of my skill,and those that didn't figured it out pretty quickly during training sessions.

I loved to watch them.The percisness and symmetry of thier techniques reminded me of H.E.S,a combination of martial arts techniques none as Historical European Swordsmanship.

Although my training was mainly jujitsu, over the past eleven years I had learned many forms, including kenjutsu nitou,a special fighting style that uses both swords at the same time.

Like Thranduil,I was fairly proficient in it.Although I'm nowhere near being on his level. With Legolas's help, I was
getting better everyday.

I studied them closely,being the first one there and the last to leave.If this was the role he wanted me to play, and I would excel at it.

The Elf King, Gabriella:Rise Of A QueenWhere stories live. Discover now