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Rebecca's POV

The next morning as I woke up I heard my phone ringing. As I got my phone I saw my brother calling me. ''Hey Mike.'' I said as I started to get up from the bed. ''Eddie CHEATED ON YOU?'' Mike said and I pulled phone away from my ear. ''I just woke up. Calm down.'' I said and took some clothes to get ready for work. ''How are you so calm?'' Mike asked me and I smiled a little. ''I got my breakdown over so I'm doing good.'' I said and started to change my clothes. 

''Okey what ever. But when I see him I will give my mind and I maybe will punch him.'' Mike said and I laughed a little. ''As much I would like to see that, I will have to say no to that.'' I said and Mike laughed as well. ''But how was Kay last night?'' I asked as I didn't want to talk about Eddie anymore. ''Oh he had a little meltdown as we were getting to bed but it was because Evan can't say no to him and gave him a lot of candy.'' Mike said and I started laughing again. 

''Okey you can tell Buck that I will come pick Kay up after my shift.'' I said and Mike agreed. ''I will see you later.'' He said and I started to drive to work where I was going to be around Eddie all day. 

As I got to work I saw Hen and Chim sending me sad looks so I knew that they knew. After I changed my clothes Bobby asked me to meet me at his office. ''So I think you heard.'' I said as I sat down. ''Yeah Maddie told Chim and you know Chim told everybody.'' Bobby said and I nodded. ''I know what you are going say and no nothing that happened is going to change how I'm doing my work.'' I said and Bobby nodded. ''I know but I just wanted to tell you that if I see any change then I have to suspend you both.'' Bobby said and I nodded again. 

''Okey is that all?'' I asked and Bobby told me to leave. As I walked out I saw Hen coming to me.  ''Hey how are you?'' She asked me and I smiled a little. ''I'm good and please don't be mad at Eddie or hostile.'' I said and Hen looked at Eddie as he was talking with Chim. ''He did something horrible so I don't know how are you so cool.'' Hen said as we walked up the stairs. ''Things happen and I'm not that upset because that happened, I more upset that he didn't tell me.'' I said and Hen nodded. ''Do you think that you will forgive him?'' Hen asked me as she gave me a cup of coffee. 

''Yeah I still care for him and Chris very much. And being with him I was very happy but I need some time.'' I said and we saw Chim and Eddie walking up as well. ''Hey good morning.'' Chim said and hugged me which surprised me. ''I'm mad at Eddie but I hope things won't change around here.'' Chim whispered to me. ''I hope that as well.'' I said and Chim started talking what he and Maddie are doing later on. 

As the day went on I always saw Eddie looking at me and finally I wanted this to end. As I saw Eddie checking on the truck I started walking to him but saw Buck, Chris and Kay walking to the station. ''Hey guys what are you doing here?'' I asked as I hugged Chris and Kay. ''Kay wanted to see you and Chris as well.'' Buck said and I smiled. ''Well this is great.'' I smiled and saw Chris walking to Eddie. ''How are you?'' Buck asked me as we watched Eddie and Chris. 

''I'm doing good. I thought this will be harder but I still have to do work so I don't have to think about this.'' I said and Buck kissed my head. ''Only thing is that Eddie won't stop looking at me. All day he is looking at me and even on the calls.'' I said and saw Eddie walking to us. ''How are you doing with the boys?'' Eddie asked Buck and Buck looked at him. ''They are doing good. Kay will have a nap after we get back so I will play some games with Chris.'' Buck said and I smiled. 

''Okey boys we have to work so we will see you later.'' I said and Buck took Kay back and they waved at us. ''Becca are you coming to us later?'' Chris asked me as they got further. ''Maybe some other day.'' I said and Chris waved at me. ''Can we talk?'' I asked Eddie as we saw the boys walking away. ''Yeah sure.'' Eddie said and we walked outside. ''I know that we are both sad but the fact you are looking at me all the time is making it harder.'' I said and Eddie looked down. 

''I know but I will hope that you forgive me.'' He said and I looked at him. ''I hope that as well but you need to give me time. We need to start from the start and we need to tell the boys if this will start again.'' I said and Eddie nodded. ''Okey I will do everything you want.'' Eddie said and went inside. I looked at him walking away and felt a tear running down my face. I took a deep breath and walked back inside as well. 

As the day went on I thought about my life in England and thought that I was missing my old team. ''I haven't talked with them in a while and I haven't talked to Kay's other grandparents as well. So as my shift ended I went to talk with Bobby. ''Hey I wanted to talk to you about something.'' I said as I walked to him. ''Yeah what's up? Eddie hasn't done anything right?'' Bobby asked and I smiled a little. ''No no we are good but I started to think that I haven't taken my vacation days yet.'' I said and Bobby looked at me. 

''Yeah I have seen that as well. What do you have in mind?'' Bobby asked. ''I want to take a week and a half off because I think I need to go to England for a little bit.'' I said and Bobby smiled. ''Yeah sure. But I need you to promise me that you will come back.'' He said and I laughed a little bit. ''I promise you. I have made a life here.'' I said and I smiled. ''Okey so when do you want the time off?'' Bobby asked me and we talked a little before Bobby had to go to a call. 

As I walked away I saw Eddie walking to me. ''Hey what did you talk to Bobby about?'' He asked me and I looked away from him. ''He wanted to know how I am.'' I lied and Eddie nodded. ''Okey I have to go pick Kay up but I will see you tomorrow.'' I said suddenly and walked to my car. As I drove away I called Buck to let him know that I was on my way. 

As I arrived to Buck's place and I smiled as I saw Kay and Chris playing. ''Hey how was work?'' Buck asked me and I smiled. ''Yeah it was good. I wasn't thinking about Eddie and I took sometime off as well.'' I said and Buck looked at me. ''Don't tell me that you are leaving.'' Buck said and I put my hand on his shoulder. ''Don't worry I'm not leaving I just need sometime off. And I want to take Kay to meet his other grandparents as well.'' I said and Buck smiled. 

''Okey good. So when are you leaving?'' Buck asked me and I looked at Kay. ''In a week and then I have a week and a half off.'' I said and Buck smiled. ''Do everyone know?'' Buck asked me and I looked down. ''Right now only you and Bobby. Eddie asked me what I was talking with Bobby but I didn't want to tell him. I think that I need sometime away from him and then I can see what I want.'' I said and Buck hugged me. 

''So you will be here for the dinner?'' Buck asked me and I hugged him back. ''Yeah of course. I promised you that I will be here and I will support you.'' I said and we pulled away. ''Okey good. And you have to bring Kay as well because my parents will like him.'' I laughed at that and called Kay to me. ''Mommy are you okey?'' Kay asked me and I looked at him a little weird. 

''Why wouldn't I be?'' I asked him. ''Uncl Buck told me that you are sad.'' Kay said and I looked at Buck but he walked to Chris. ''I'm good. Do you want to go home now?'' I said and Kay nodded. ''Okey go tell Chris and Buck bye and we will go home.'' I said and Kay ran to hug Chris and Buck and ran to me. ''Okey I will see you later.'' I said to Buck and waved at the to boys. 

As we drove home I talked to Kay what were going to do soon and that we were going to see his other grandparents. ''Mommy are we going to see daddy as well?'' Kay asked and I got tears in my eyes. ''Yeah we can see daddy as well if you want to.'' I said and Kay nodded. Kay knew that his dad was no alive anymore but sometimes he forgets. As I drove and Kay was telling me about what he did with Buck I thought how much I missed Kay's dad. 

Maybe I was not ready to move on but at the same time I was falling for Eddie hard. Being a firefighter is dangerous and loseing Kay's dad showed me that and I was scared of going that again. I was sure that after I came back from England I am going to be sure what I wanted.


New chapter is here and we are going to see Becca's past soon. But anyway love you all and this is crazy that this book has so many readers. I thank you so much. 

Words 1780

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