2. Name

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Author's POV.
This interaction between the first fireborn princess and Maharaj Draupad was watched by Shikhandi and the sages who performed the yagna.

They were extremely upset at Maharaj Draupad's words towards his eldest daughter. Seeing tears swell up in her eyes their eyes softened and they gave her a sympathetic looks. Suddenly the Akashwani voice boomed again.

Voice : These girls will change the fate of Aryavath one in a good way and the other in a bad way, one has extreme kindness and the other extreme beauty. One has empathy and the other lacks empathy, one is selfish and the other is selfless, one is arrogant and the other is humble. Now Drupad beware don't make a wrong choice that will effect your future one day.

Everyone was very shocked listening to this but Drupad ignored the warning and went inside the palace with his two beloved children leaving the first fireborn princess with tears streaming down her face.

Suddenly she felt a warm comforting hand on her shoulder, she turned around to see to see a beautiful young lady with an armour

Suddenly she felt a warm comforting hand on her shoulder, she turned around to see to see a beautiful young lady with an armour

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Lady : Don't worry Behen you will get used to this the way I did.

First Fireborn Princess : Who are you Devi and what do you mean by the phrase 'the way I did' ?

Lady : My name is Shikhandi and I am the eldest daughter of Maharaj Drupad he did not accept you because he was angry, angry at me special.

First Fireborn Princess : Jiji why is he angry at you?

Shikhandi : that's because I was unable to defeat the kurukumars.

The First Fireborn princess's eyes widened, she found it a little inhumane to get angry so easily. Shikhandi noticed her expression and quickly changed the subject.

Shikhandi : Behen now let's decide your name.

First Fireborn Princess : you will give me a name, Really!?

Shikhandi : hmmm, from now on you must be called Rajkumari Advika, the name Advika means unique, duality, world and earth.

The first Fireborn was extremely happy with her new name and was so happy that she got a new sister. She already gained respect for shikhandi and started to think of her as a mother figure.


Sorry it was such a short update but I will update another chapter today.

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