14. Odd Behavior

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Karn's POV.
I was usual woke up, pecked Advika's forehead, got ready and went for my regular Suryapooja. There while coming back I gave alms to a poor old lady who had a child about 3 years old.

When I got back I was met with a great shock and that was Advika. No, not Advika, the thing that was weird was that she was running around only trying to get the most heaviest jewels and lehengas.

She most doesn't care about her appearance much she wears what ever jewellery Radhamaa chooses for her with any problem.

But now suddenly she is acting like this. I am not saying its a bad thing but still is unlikely for her and I am getting worried.

Today we were going to leave for Hastinapur. All the people were busy preparing for our departure. At the end everything was completed on time but Advika still wasn't ready.

Most of the time she would get ready in about 15 minutes but today she was talking more than 4 hours. After waiting for so long she finally came out of her dressing room.

I looked at her and my jaw dropped after looking at her. She looked like a goddess! Radhamaa was standing beside me smiling observing the appearance of her daughter-in-law.

Radhmaa : You look beautiful Putri!

Advika : Thank you Radhamaa, it took me hours to get ready.

I too observed her appearance. She was wearing a heavy red and golden lehenga with a very heavy looking drape. She was also wearing 2 layers of heavy gold necklace, heavy anklets on her freshly Alta painted feet, heavy looking earrings , bangles and nosepin and her hair was neatly braided decorated with flowers and jewellery.

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She looked drop dead gorgeous without a doubt but I have to admit that she was a bit overdressed

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She looked drop dead gorgeous without a doubt but I have to admit that she was a bit overdressed. I know I shouldn't say that because she is my wife and is beautiful without a doubt.

But I can't help but feel worried. She then looked at me with hopeful eyes and I was confused by this.

I didn't know what to do so I held out my hand so she can get on the chariot, her eyes had a sudden gust of disappointment.

She took my hand and sat on the Chariot. The journey was long and boring specially if Advika wasn't even talking to me.

She was looking outside at the view the entire time without even glancing at my direction. This sudden change of attitude in Advika was odd.

Then it was night I looked at Advika and she looked tired.

Me : Priya, come lay down on my lap you look tiered.

Advika : I would rather sleep like this but thanks for your concern, Angraj.

Angraj !? Ok I have seriously done something wrong, but the last is What? We have barely interacted since the morning.

She uncomfortably fell asleep but I was restless still thinking about what is it that I did wrong that is so upset with me.

The night went by and soon it was morning and we finally reached Hastinapur. As we were about the enter the Castle, I shook Advika awake.

She woke up and looked at me expressionlesly, I was startled by her behavior. Then she looked around and realized that we have reached the Castle campus.

She quickly sat up and fixed her hair, jewellery and lehenga. We got off the chariot and looked at the entrance.

All the Hastinapur Royals were standing there waiting for us, I got off and held out my hand so Advika could get down.

She just ignored my hand and got down. I was again started and worried by her behavior. What even happened I am worried since yesterday.

We walked towards the entrance and Mata Gandhari did the Aarti.

Gandhari : Putri, come here.

Advika smiled and walked closer to Mata Gandhari, Mata Gandhari cupped her cheeks.

Gandhari : Putri, I can't see you but I can tell by your aura that you are unique.

Advika : It's not my beauty, it's you who is truly beautiful not because of your appearance but because of the the kindness that you have in your heart.

Mata Gandhari smiled at Advika. Everyone else also looked at her with soft eyes and a gentle smile playing on their lips.

Hope you liked this update

Why do you think Advika is upset?

What was the reason that Advika is acting weird?

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