16. Insecurities

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Advika's POV.
I saw Rajkumar Duryodhana putting his hand on Arya's shoulder to calm him down which was successful.

Vidur : Angaraj, what is this behavior you can't hit a Kurukumar.

Duryodhana : He only did his Dharma Kakashree.

Bheeshma : What kind of Dharma includes hitting someone?

Duryodhana : I think you are completely ignoring the fact that Rajkumar Bheem insulted Angarani and as her husband it is his Dharma to protect his wife's honor.

Nobody had anything to say against that because it was the truth and I am very grateful that my husband stood up for me.

The Sabha continued and finally Draupadi was accepted as the kulvadhu of Kuruvasha.

I have to admit was shocked to the core at what my husband said to be honest I felt this warm feeling of love I have never experienced before.

Suddenly I felt a soft hand on my wrist I looked over to see Draupadi looking at the ground with shame.

Before I could say anything she dragged me to god knows where. We finally stop at the Temple of lord Mahadeva. I looked at her curiously.

Draupadi : Why?

Me : Huh?

Draupadi : Why did you defend me?

Me : Because you are my sister.

Draupadi : Lier, you are trying to show sympathy on me.

Me : That's not true.

Draupadi : THEN WHY!?

Me : I already told you, you are my younger sister that's why.

Draupadi : But why? I have always insulted you, I have never aknowledged you as my sister, then why did you do this for me? (sobbing)

Me : I have always considered you my sister from the time you were born as an older sister it was easy for me to forgive you.

Draupadi : I am so sorry, jiji.

I was shocked by her statement but before I could react she clinged on my feet crying, I gently held her shoulder and hugged her.

Me : It's alright now, you have realized your mistake.

Draupadi : How could I have been so blind to not see your love and kindness.

Me : Shhh....

Draupadi : From the time you left my life has been a mess.

Me : Don't say that Panchali, everything is ok now.

Draupadi : everything is not ok, this guilt will eat me through out my life.

Me : it's ok now Anuja I forgive you and you have also realized your mistake so we still have a chance to mend our relationship.

Draupadi : Thank you for giving me another chance.

I just simply hugged her till she calmed down. Then a dasi came inside the room and we looked at her confused, she politely bowed to us.

Dasi : Angarani, I have been instructed by Maharani Gandhari to show you your room.

I nodded my head and went after her, we stopped at a beautiful room with all our things already there. I went in the bathroom and took a bath and changed into something more comfortable.

Karn's POV.
After that Frisco mitr Duryodhana took me to his room and helped me calm down, we then talked to each other catching up on events.

I was then led to my room by a Dasi, when I entered the room I saw Advika standing near the window. She looked beautiful.

I observed her appearance she was wearing a beautiful light pink Saree along with a light necklace, small earrings, simple anklets and only two bangles on both hands, her hair saw usual was left open.

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I went towards her and gently caressed her hand that was kept on the balcony railing

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I went towards her and gently caressed her hand that was kept on the balcony railing. She turned to look at me gave me and smile and turned away.

Me : What has gotten into you, my love?

Advika : What do you mean?

Me : you are suddenly overdressing, ignoring me and calling me Anagaraj instead to Arya.

Advika : A-Arya I wa--

Her sentence was cut off my her suddenly crying, I looked at her surprised then gently pulled her into a warm hug.

Me : shh... What happened?

After some time finally when her crys died down she looked at me with red eyes and said in a timid voice.

Advika : I was in-insecure.

Me : insecure?

Advika : Yes Arya, when I came to know we were coming to Hastinapur I was afraid that you will find Draupadi more attractive than me.

Me : Why would you think that?

Advika : From the time I was born my father rejected me because I was not as beautiful as Draupadi, so I was afraid that you will find someone who is more beautiful.

Me : You have nothing to be insecure of my love, I have always loved you and I don't care about your outer appearance.

Advika : But-

Me : No love, I won't ever leave you, you were the one who stood up for me when I was insulted.

Advika : I am very grateful to have you Arya.

Me : no I am the one who is grateful to get someone who cares so much for me and married me irrespective of my cast.

A few tears escaped her eyes but I wiped them off and hugged her again and soon we fell asleep.

Hope you liked this update.

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