3. New Friend

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Advika's POV.
Before I was born form the fire I was given all the basic knowledge of things in life, I was taught the responsibility of a good princess, wife, queen and daughter.

I was taught to forgive the silly mistakes of people and to give a second chance. I was taught to show empathy towards my people. I was also given basic training of weapons.

Then finally I emerged form the fire so excited to meet my new family, when I saw Pitashree for the first time he gave me a slight smile but then came my younger sister.

She was an absolute beauty, her beautiful long jet back hair, flawless dark skin, slim dark coloured waist, beautiful brown eyes, button nose, beautiful red painted lips and a round Bindi which only added to her beauty.

In front of her I felt like my beauty was nothing but I was taught that unique things are beautiful, beauty lies in every creature

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In front of her I felt like my beauty was nothing but I was taught that unique things are beautiful, beauty lies in every creature.

Every creation of god is beautiful every one had different features, different personalities and different behaviour. Each and every person is unique in their own way and have their own talent and we should learn to respect that.

When we both touched Pitashree's feet he smiled but only blessed Anuja
I did feel very bad for being neglected like this but to start a new life I have to be responsible and positive so I smile either way.

He named my younger sister before me but I didn't mind but he forgot I was there. When I asked him to name me he got angry, was I being too selfish? At the end Shikhandi jiji named me Advika, I love my name.

Jijishree Shikhandi took me inside to get ready. I was taken to the place where Draupadi was getting ready. She looked at me then turned away as if she didn't acknowledge me as her older sister.

The dasis bowed down suddenly Draupadi's expression went form uninterested to anger?
Draupadi : First Fireborn why don't you take a seat.

Why did she say that? Is she trying to spread out the word that my own father refused to accept me? But she is my sister she won't do that, Right? Before I could say anything Shikhandi jiji replied for me in a Sassy voice.

Shikhandi : Draupadi, don't you have any manners? you are a princess is this how you behave? How immature are you? Don't you know how to respect your elders? Also don't call her First Fireborn her name is Advika.
We could clearly hearing this a couple of Dasis giggling, Draupadi's face went red with anger and embarrassment but chose to ignore it.

Both got dressed and chose their clothes and jewellery. Draupadi picked a heavy red and orange Saree with heavy jewellery. She looked beautiful without a doubt.

I decided to wear a simple white lehenga with minimum jewelry and flowers decorating my hair

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I decided to wear a simple white lehenga with minimum jewelry and flowers decorating my hair

I decided to wear a simple white lehenga with minimum jewelry and flowers decorating my hair

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Draupadi looked at me and laughed, I looked at her in confusion.

Draupadi : First Fireborn, you are a princess too you need to show off your class or else is everyone going to know that you are a princess.

Me : Who do I need to show my class to? these Dasis then let's say they are our helpers if they are not here then who will do the work, you? We should respect dasis too they do a lot for us

The Dasis around the chamber smiled at me and I gladly returned. I then went outside only to see a beautiful girl crying. I went toward her and kneeled down. The girl looked startled by my presence.

Me : What happened dear?

Girl : my father is sick and we don't even have any money for food.

The was taking with a cracking voice and I felt very worried for the health of her father and her.
Me : Don't worry take this?

I said handing her one of the gold bangles that I was wearing, she looked at me with shock then took the bangles with shaking hands.

Girl : Who are you?

Me : I am Advika the daughter of Maharaj Drupad.

Girl : Rajkumari, I am so sorry-

Me : don't apologize, sit back down and tell me your name.

Girl : My name is Malini

Me : Will you be my friend ?

With my question she looked very shocked, confused and shy. I smiled at her and she smiled back a nervous smile.

Malini : Are you sure you want to be friends with a poor Dasi like me?

Me : Don't say that every person deserves respect and should not be judged on the basis of cast, gender, class, economic background, etc.

I said this while giving my hand for her to shake and she gladly did with shaking hands.

Malini : Rajkumari--

Me : You can call me Advika, Sakhi or Advi but don't call me Rajkumari I am your friend.

Malini : Ok Advi

Me : So what were you saying?

Malini : O yes, I wanted to tell you that I saw a beautiful abandoned Vishnu mandir opposite side of the river.

Me : Vishnu Mandir?

Malini : yes and the most beautiful sculpture of lord Hari.

Me : Take me there please.

I have obviously heard about lord Vishnu and I have to say I am a big devotee of his. I have to visit that Mandir at least I can pray that my father and sister accepts me as their own family.

Will Advika and Malini get in trouble?
•Who will they encounter there?

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