9. In Angadesh

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Karn's POV.
I woke up in the morning with sun rays falling directly on my face, it always makes my day better. I don't understand my connection with lord Suryanarayana but I assume it's devotion.

Anyway I had the most beautiful dream in which I won Rajkumari Advika in her Swyemvar and was bringing her to Angadesh and on the way we stopped in the forest.

Overall it was amazing, suddenly I felt something heavy on my lap. I looked down only to find Rajkumari Advika sleeping soundly and then realization hit me it was not a dream.

I looked at her beautiful face but it was time for Suryapooja. I didn't want to distract her so I silently prayed while sitting on the chariot.

Charioteer : Angaraj we are almost in Angadesh.

Me : ok, how long would it take to reach to the palace.

Charioteer : about half an hour.

I hummed in response,suddenly I felt Advika stir up. She opened her eyes and her beautiful brown eyes met mine and she got startled.

Then realized that it was me and calmed down ,smiling at me she sat up.

Advika : Subh Prabhat ,Arya.

Me : Subh Prabhat, Dear.

Advika : When will we reach to Angadesh?

Me : In about half an hour.

Advika nodded and started to fix her clothes and jewellery probably to look presentable in front of her new family and subjects.

Half an hour later we finally entered Angadesh and saw that all the subjects that were hailing and throwing flowers at us.

I waved my hand to show my appreciation towards their love and acceptance. This excited the people more than ever, I looked at Advika only to see her smiling with tears in her beautiful brown eyes.

Me : Why are you crying, Priya?

Advika : Arya, I have never received so much love and acceptance form anyone since the time I was born.

Me : Good to know that the subjects are fond of you.

Advika giggled at my statement, the chariot stopped and suddenly Advika looked very nervous. I gently held her hand helping her get down from the chariot.

Advika's POV.
I am so nervous yet excited to meet my new family, Arya helped me get down and then led me to the entrance.

In front of the entrance stood two beautiful ladies ,first lady looked in the her late 30s where as the other looked at her early 20s. Both of the ladies looked stunning and had a different kind of elegance.

First woman who looked in her late 30s had beautiful long jet back hair, kind looking eyes that were gleaming with happiness, soft looking pale pink lips that had the most beautiful smile playing on it, little wrinkles under her eyes which made her look wise and experienced, minimum gold jewellery and simple attire.

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