15. Anger

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Karn's POV.
Mata Gandhari held Advika's hand and led her to god knows where. Mitr came towards me and tightly hugged me, I returned his hug with a smile.

Duryodhana : Mitr, it's been so long.

Me : It's been around 15 days.

Duryodhana : But still it's long because other than you no one else has any time for me.

Me : I am sorry, Mitr

Duryodhana : It's ok you are a king and it's your duty to take care of your citizens.

Me : But I am still sorry, I have taken an oath to protect you not to leave you like this.

Duryodhana : ok I think that's enough and now tell me how is our Bhabhishree?

I was taken aback by his questions and looked at the other kauravas they all were having the same smirk as Mitr Duryodhana.

Me : She is very kind and responsible lady but from yesterday she is acting very odd.

Duryodhana : Odd?

Me : Yes, like she is overdressing, she is ignoring me and calling me Angaraj.

Duryodhana : Uff, you have definitely done something wrong.

Me : I can figure that out but What did I even do?

Duryodhana : How am I suppose to know that?

Me : Wow! Good Peice of advice.

Duryodhana : Don't be sarcastic, all I know is that you are very dense when it comes to women.

Me : Huh!?

All the Kauravas laughed at my expression and soon I joined too, they were all like Shron to me. All were like my own brothers and Dushala is like the sister that I never had.

Now everyone was waiting for the arrival of the Pandavakumars. I could see a glow on Mahamahim and Mahamantri's faces, Maharaj had a neutral, Mata Gandhari as usual had a beautiful smile on her face, Kauravas looked very irritated and Dushala was being Dushala.

Finally the five brothers entered along with their mother walking in front of them. I have always had a soft spot for Mata Kunti and ask for pandavas.

Yudhisthira is very reasonable and respectful person, Bheem is a little aggressive but also he is soft around his loved ones, Arjun is talented indeed and I don't hate him to me his is a cometetior, Nakul is slightly too proud of his looks, Sahadeva is well I can't say much about him because he is more of mysterious kind of person.

Rajmata Kunti came and hugged Mata Gandhari to which Mata Gandhari too responded with happy tears. Pandavas came and touched everyone's feet.

Kunti : Jhesth, during our Vanvaas we brought a kulvadhu for Kuruvansha.

Bheeshma : Please tell us about her a little so we can welcome her properly

Arjun : She is a Fireborn, Youngest daughter of Maharaj Drupada, Princess of Panchal, Panchali.

As Arjun said this I looked at my wife who had a bright smile playing on her lips 'such innocence'. Just then a Rajkumari Draupadi came in she had her head facing the ground.

She stood in front Mata Gandhari and bend down to touch her feet, Mata Gandhari blessed her and gently caressed her face.

Gandhari : I can't see you but I am sure your beauty is worthy of matching my Arjun's valour.

Suddenly Arjun's face showed deep guilt and Rajkumari Draupadi's face also showed Fear and shame. I looked at my wife and she had a frown on her face which clearly showed that she too noticed their expressions.

Mata Gandhari took the Aarti platter and called Arjun forward to welcome them but not only Arjun but all five pandavas came forward. This gesture confused us all.

Gandhari : Uff Putron, the bride and the groom have to be welcomed first.

Bheem : Actually Mata we also got married.

Bheeshma : Then call the other four Kulvadhus also.

Yudhisthira : we all five brothers married Draupadi.

Several gasps were heard from the family and the maids. Mata Gandhari dropped the platter from shock. I looked at my wife she suddenly her expression was emotionless, I don't think this is a good sign.

All the drama took place and finally we all assembled at the court room. Mahamahim and Mahamatri had a look of disappointment, Maharaj's face showed disgust, Mata Gandhari had a stern face, Mata Kunti and Pandavas looked down in guilt, Kauravas had a smirk, Rajkumari Draupadi bowed her head in shame and my wife had an expressionless face but her eyes showed anger.

Dhridrashtra : Now explain why you all did such a sin.

Gandhari : Kunti I am so disappointed this disgusting act took place in your presence.

Pandavas explained the situation and Rajmata Kunti's mistake. Everyone looked not convinced. But suddenly a familiar angered feminine voice boomed in the court.

Advika : Just because of a petty mistake you all ruined my sister's life. (shouting )

I was shocked to the core, my always soft spoken wife is now so angered. Pandavas and Rajmata bowed their heads in guilt and Rajkumari Draupadi looked at Advika with pure shock.

Advika : Answer me Pandavakumars, is this a reasonable excuse to ruin my sister's life, do you have any idea how much insults she has to face now.

Yudhisthira : Angrani, we can't disrespect our mother's words.

Advika : So was it necessary to make such a drastic decision without even knowing the cost Draupadi's has to pay for this brainless act of yours.

I have never seen my wife so angry and is like always so sweet and forgiving but now she is standing here yelling at the Pandavas.

Advika : Have you ever thought what people were going to say? Did you think how my sister felt? Did you know that people will question her character? Did you think if society will accept her or not? Did you think how my sister is going to live like this?

Pandavas had no answer to my wife's question, I looked at Duryodhana he was looking at Advika with admiration.

Advika : Look at yourselves, pathetic!

Bheem : Says the woman who has been disowned, a woman who married a Sutputra without a shame of society is now thinking about opinions of the society.

I felt a sudden gust of anger take over my body, my mind went blank and before I knew it I punched Bheem in the face and he was lying on the floor with a bloody nose looking at me with anger. Again the gasps were heard.

Me : Don't you dare speak of my wife in such a manner, I don't mind if you call me a sutputra because I am proud of my identity but don't you dare badmouth my wife. She is the elder sister of your wife so she is also your elder sister and you speak to her in that tone.

I couldn't recognize my own voice it came out as a hiss. Pandavas quickly went to check for any serious injuries but there were non except the blood that was gushing out of his nose.

Me : This time I just punched you next time Rajmata Kunti will lose one of her precious sons.

Hope you liked this update.

Why is Draupadi shocked?

Will she acknowledge Advika as her sister?

What was the reason for Advika's odd behavior previously?

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