4. Encounter

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Author's POV.
Advika and Malini got ready to go the opposite side of the river the only thing that they did not know was that the opposite side of the river was Angadesh.

Angadesh is one of Panchal's biggest enemy because of the bitterness that Panchal has for Hastinapur. The girls were not knowing that they were about to enter an enemy kingdom.

Advika smile fell looking at the dust and dirt that was collected around and inside the little mandir. Malini stood behind her and observed her expression.

Advika sat down admiring the beauty of the statue and tracing her fingers on it to feel all the details on it, she then took the hem of her chuni and started to clean the Vishnu sculpture

Malini sat down beside her and helped Advika by picking up the dry leaves that fell on the mandir floor.

Malini stood up hearing the sound of horses approaching but Advika ignored the sound and continue to clean the sculpture.

The horses came closer and on it was the most handsome man with a sun like glow on his face, he had a troubled expression on his face.

It was non other than Angraj Karn, who was upset that the Kauravas lost in the battle of Panchal, He usually came near the river to cool his head but saw two women there.

He well knew that these women were not from his kingdom because only in a couple of months he bonded with his subjects and recognized their faces.He got down from his horse and came closer to them, he looked at the girls with a stern look and asked

Karn : Who are you?

Malini : We are Devotees.

He nodded his head at Malini reply but then his eyes fell on Advika who was sitting cleaning the sculpture with her back facing them.

Karn : Is she unaware of my presence?

Listening to this Advika turned to look at him, Karn saw Advika's face and felt as if time stopped. He was lost in her beautiful brown eyes and she too was lost in his eyes. After some time of staring their stare was broken by Malini fake coughing.

Karn : You don't live in this kingdom do you ?

Advika : What made you say that are their our address written on our faces?

Karn : I recognize every face of the subjects of my kingdom.

Advika : So you think we are foreigners?

Karn looked at her up and down then at Malini, his face clearly showed that he was in deep thoughts.

Karn : Even if you are dressed simple From your attire it clear that you are royalty.

Malini : You are right, she is the princess of Panchal and I am her friend and Dasi.

Karn's face transformed from curiosity to slight anger and shock knowing their identity.

Karn : Panchal?

Advika : hmm....

Karn : Do you know whose territory this is ?

Advika : yes, this is the territory of our lord Vishnu.

Karn : I was not taking about this Mandir, I am taking about this kingdom.

Advika chuckled at this and looked at him with her usual calm smile which seemed so attractive to Angaraj karn.

Advika : this entire world is the kingdom of lord Vishnu, is this territory any different?

Karn : I don't think you know who I am?

Advika : one of lord's creation

Karn : I am Angaraj Karn.

Malini : You are angraj Karn?

Malini's face went pale with Fear, Karn looked at her and gave her a slight nod.

Karn : How dare you enter my kingdom without my permission?

Advika : whose permission must we seek to come here?

Karn : Mine

Advika : And who might you be?

Karn : did you not hear I am Angraj Karn the king of this kingdom.

Advika : And how do you think you possess this land?

Karn : what?

Advika : The kings will come and go ruling this land then how could you say this is your kingdom.

Karn looked started by her reply, Advika noticed this and came closer to him still smiling.

Advika : Then how could you be the king of a place that will not remain to you forever.

Karn : but for now it's mine and you can he punished for trespassing.

Karn has now taken a liking to Advika's outspoken yet polite nature obviously karn only said it to see her expression he obviously wasn't going to punish women for such a little thing.

Advika : are devotees punished in this kingdoms, is this kingdom of evil?

Karn : You are crossing your limits Devi.

Advika : if we would have stopped at our limits then maybe we would have never came here in the first place.

Karn was now so intrigued by this girl who claimed to be Rajkumari of Panchal and was greatly inspired by her devotion toward Lord Vishnu.

Advika : But I understood one thing that you have no faith in god because look at the condition of this temple why would it have been abandoned.

Karn was startled by her statement but knew it was partly true because he has seen this temple many times but never thought to clean it and light a Diya to pay respect to the Lord.

Advika : From now on Malini and I will come here once in a while to light diya here.

Karn : Wow! What a decision this temple belong to me, this kingdom belongs to me yet you have taken decision.

Advika : This Mandir is of our lord, this kingdom is of our lord even I am a servant of Lord, that's why I have taken decision.

Karn was now enjoying this argument a lot her words had such wisdom and devotion that he was feeling a lot better.

Karn : then what am I? A puppet? Do you think so highly of yourself that I should just bow my head to your decision?

Advika : A saviour is always higher that the attacker,Let's go Malini.

Karn was left there mesmerized by the knowledge of the young maiden and the devotion she had was enough to make anyone accept her decision.

Advika walked back on the boat that they came from, Karn stopped Malini to ask her a question.

Karn : what is this Devi's name?

Malini : Advika.

Advika, this name was repeating itself in Karn's mind and he felt pure love, attraction, admiration and desperation for Advika. He was now feeling as if his life is incomplete if she is not a part of it. He returned to his Palace replaying his encounter with Advika in his head.

So, how was Karn and Advika's first encounter?

Should there be a love triangle?

With Arjun, Karn and Advika or with Karn and Duryodhana or just let Advika be only Karn's?

Is Advika feeling the same way as Karn?


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