8. Journey

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Advika's POV.
Angraj took me outside the Swyemvar hall with an angry expression where as the tears from my eyes were not going away no matter how much I try to stop them.

He brought me to the stable, he then turned to look at with guilt written clearly on his handsome face.

Karn : I am sorry for talking to your father in that manner.

Me : Don't say that Maharaj, I know you did it for my good.

Karn : Are you angry by any chance?

Me : No I am not.

Karn : Are you sure Rajkumari?

Me : I am sure Maharaj and please don't call me Rajkumari you won me in the swyemvar, I am going to be your wife now.

I blushed while saying the last part, but then I felt a gentle hand on my head lovingly stroking my hair. I looked at him with shock.

Karn : I really don't want to force myself on you, if you don't want to marry me it's ok.

Me : you are not forcing yourself on me Maharaj, even if I didn't want to marry you where would I go, I have already been disowned by my own father.

Karn : Advika, I just said that it's ok if you don't want to marry me I never said that I would abandoned you.

Me : What do you mean?

Karn : I meant that I will still let you stay in Angadesh Mahal as my friend.

He really is selfless like Krishna told me, I have no regrets that I chose him over any other arrogant and greedy kings or Rajkumars.

Me : I am very grateful that you will become my husband.

Realizing what I said my face turned deep red, I heard Angraj chuckle at my tomato looking face. Then he gently held my hand and led to the chariot that was waiting for us.

We sat on the chariot and ordered the Chariot driver to take us to Angadesh on our way to Angdesh, then looking at the outside view I realized that nature is so beautiful.

I have never got to experience such beauty in my life, even though my life started a month ago. That mandir was the last time I was allowed to go outside the palace.

I was admiring the nature when my to-be husband gently placed his hand on mine, I was startled by the sudden physical contact and looked at him curiously.

Me : Yes, Maharaj is something wrong?

Karn : No Dear, I just wanted to tell you something important.

Me : Yes, Maharaj what's wrong?

Karn : You don't have to call me maharaj Rajkumari.

Me : I will stop calling you Maharaj when you stop calling me Rajkumari.

Karn : Ok Advika, I just wanted to tell you about my curses, I thought you would want to know before our wedding so you get to have a second thought 

Me : Curse!?

I was shocked, when he first said that I could clearly sense his insecurity and sadness. He then told me about the curses he got.

I was really sad I don't think he deserved any of this. For example Bhagwan Parshuram did not even ask his cast and directly assumed that he was a Kshatriya,

Bhumidevi is know for her tolerance and she could tolerate a lot of pain even if wars were fought on her she still wouldn't say a word but if Angraj separated Ghee from her she got angry and cursed him?

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