7. Swyemvar and Disowned

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Karn's POV.
The swyemvar finally finally finally started it felt like we were waiting for ever. Though most of my time passed just looking at Rajkumari Advika.

Obviously not in a creepy way, I really don't want to make her uncomfortable. Everyone King and Princes came and tried to lift the bow but all were unable to.

I don't know why but this is kind of boring and also satisfying because these are the people who look down upon the Suts and other lower cast.

It was mitr Duryodhana's turn next, he stood up but did not move from his place this made everyone slightly confused at what he was doing.

Duryodhana : My Mitr Angraj Karn will participate on my behalf in this swyemvar.

His word was enough to make me speechless, WHAT!?. Why did he was that I am pretty sure no body will agree to this conditions and I am not really interested in Rajkumari Draupadi.

I don't know why but I have a feeling that she is snotty, prideful and arrogant. While studying under the supervision of Bhaghwan Parshuram I learned to read people's intention and their personalities by their body language.

And her body language clearly showed this also I have grown quite fond of Rajkumari Advika I have no idea why our conversations has effected me like this.

Most of the women I have met are all a little annoying and timid but she isn't like this she is fearless and talked me on my land without Fear.

She was so simply dressed which only enhanced natural beauty, less jewellery makes any female look 10 time more attractive.

We can see their natural beauty I have to admit that Rajkumari Advika might not be considered more beautiful in comparison to Rajkumari Draupadi but still it's not the looks that's matter it's their personalities that matter.

Advika, meaning Unique that's exactly what she is. Just so different form others and the way she said the truth with disrespecting anyone is just so intriguing to me.

While I was here thinking about all this everyone was arguing weather or not I should be allowed to participate in this swyemvar.

At the end I finally got the permission but why didn't they asked Rajkumari Draupadi weather or not she wants me to participate.

I went down the stairs very curious to see the bow no one was able to life. It really was a beautiful bow, I looked at it with admiration, joined my hands and lifted the bow as if it was a toy.

As I was about it shot the arrow I head a arrogant feminine voice from the place where the Royal Family of Panchal was sitting.

Drupadi : You don't need to continue Angraj because I will never marry a petty Sutputra like you.

I was left stumped, what? Not this again why are all opportunities to show my valor is always snatched away from me.

But I can understand it is her swyemvar and she has to choose her husband and if she doesn't want to marry me then it's up to her.

I silently went back to my place while I saw my Mitr fuming with anger, then my eyes fell on Advika who looked upset. A part of me was happy that she rejected me as I just didn't want to ruin her life because I just couldn't love her.

Before the swyemvar could continue, Rajkumari Advika stood up one thing that attracted everyone's attention including me was the tears that were falling from her eyes.

Advika : Angraj Karn please come back pick up the bow and shoot the bird's-eye, I will become your bride.

I was left stumped once again, these Fireborn sister are always surprising me but one in a good and other in a bad way. I was doing a victory dance in my head from her statement.

Me : But Rajkumari, why would you want to marry a sutputra like me?

Advika : I don't believe in discrimination, everyone is special one way or another and we should respect that.

I went back and picked the bow successfully completed the task given to me, I looked up straight at my New-to-be wife and she looked thrilled.Rajkumari Advika blushed and put a garland around my neck.

Then I noticed the expression of her family, Rajkumari Draupadi looked angered, Mahraj Drupad had a look which clearly showed that he was feeling insulted and furious, Rajkumar Dhrushtdymn looked at her sister with happiness, Devi Shikhandi looked happy yet slightly sceptical.

Maharaj Drupad walked towards us roughly grabbed Rajkumari Advika's hand which made anger raise to my head but what could I do? Maharaj Drupad is her father.

Drupad : You shameless girl, you have brought nothing but shame on us and our family, I Drupad king of Panchal is now disowning you and I also command you to leave my Kingdom immediately.

This was another shock that fell on my head like thunder, I looked at Rajkumari and saw that her beautiful brown eyes that shine with an innocent glint are now glistened with tears of sadness,

It was very painful to watch her in pain, Mahraj Drupad ston-heartily ignored her and was about to walk away but Rajkumari Advil fell on his feet and looked at him crying.

Advika : Please don't do this Pitadhree you all are the only family I have, I promise I will do anything but please don't disown me

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Advika : Please don't do this Pitadhree you all are the only family I have, I promise I will do anything but please don't disown me.

Drupad looked at her there was a expression of guilt on his face but only for a split second and then he was about to kick her off but now I stepped in stopping him from kicking her with the help of my kawach, his face scrunched up in pure pain.

Me : you are not fit to be called her father, is this the way you treat your own daughter. I have heard a lot about your arrogance but I didn't think that you will fall so low that you will disown your daughter for choosing her own husband.

I myself couldn't recognize my own voice it sounded like a hiss. Then I gently helped Advika get up and gently touched her hair reassuring her that everything will be all right.

Drupad : You two leave my Kingdom this instant, I don't want to see the face of this disgusting creature anymore.

I have had enough, I grabbed Rajkumari Advika's hand and took her outside the swyemvar hall all the way back to the stable.

Hope you liked this update.

•Do you think what Karn did was right?

•Will Advika be angry at Karn for talking to her father like that?

•Will they accept each other?

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