5. Krishna

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Advika's POV.
We came back from the Mandir but I still couldn't get this man out of my head, why do i feel so attracted towards him.

When we reached there I saw a beautiful golden chariot with Jewels on it. I went inside the castle only to see a man whome I have never seen before but he still seems familiar.

He came closer to me, he had the most mesmerizing look to the point I can't even describe it. He had a peacock feather on his, he has this unique aura like it's friendly but still seemed like it holds so much power and pureness.

He came closer to me with his beautiful bright smile and joined his hands politely, I was startled but quickly returned the favor.

Man : Pranipat Jiji

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Man : Pranipat Jiji.

Me : Pranipat, Who are you?

Man : I am Dwarkadheesh Yoshoda Nandan Vasudev Krishna.

Me : O, Dwarkadheesh.

Krishna : you are older than me please call me Kahana.

Me : ok kahana.

After sometime of talking about anything and everything we became so close that it felt as if I know him from internity.

And during this talk I realized that he was also very close to Draupadi and even told her about Arjun who she was destined to marry.

I couldn't keep the question inside me anymore so I just asked it.
Me : Kahana who am I supposed to marry and spend my life with?

Krishna : Your destiny is Angraj Karn

My world seemed to stop. I have met him a few hours ago and now I found out that he would be my husband and his way of talking seemed as if he is arrogant.

Me : is he arrogant?

Krishna : Angraj and Arrogant?

Me : Yes?

Krishna : He is the most selfless man in Dwaperyuga. Who ever came to him expecting help and daan he would do anything to help them.

Me : really !?

I asked him more about Angraj and found out that he was from Sut cast which was considered low but to be honest I never got the concept of cast system.

We talked for hours and I got to know so much about Angraj Karn and his giving nature. I am so excited for our swyemvar,

well this swyemvar was originally for draupadi but Pitashree wanted to get rid of me, so might as well enjoy it.


will give another update today

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