Part 36

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Jiang Liu Orange looked at himself in the mirror, and the memory in his mind was instantly pulled back to more than ten years ago.

When he was born, his parents divorced, and the woman threw him to his grandfather, saying that his father was gone, and she didn't want the child, and if you wanted to raise him, you took him to the orphanage, and then he left without looking back.

After he remembered, Grandpa never told him these things, didn't want him to know that he was unwanted by his parents, but when the woman threw him to Grandpa, the words were heard by the neighbors.

Once a neighbor was talking about it while chatting with someone, and he overheard it.

Therefore, he knew from an early age that he was a child that his parents did not want, and because he was dependent on his grandfather, he was precocious than others from an early age.

Knowing that Grandpa didn't want to make him sad, he never brought it up either.

Until the year he was seven years old.

The woman suddenly came to her and asked her grandfather not to look for her again, she and her ex-husband had divorced, the two had no relationship anymore, and she was no longer the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family.

Even if they meet one day, they should not know each other, because she will not recognize them again.

That year, Grandpa was so angry that he fainted and went to the town clinic.

And the woman never reappeared.

Jiang Liu Orange thought that he would never see that woman again in his life, let alone have any intersection with him.

Unexpectedly, the woman went against her own words, suppressed him after he entered the entertainment circle and signed a contract with Zhou Sheng Entertainment, and now even directly found him.

Sometimes he also feels unhappy because his memory is too good, because as it is now, he suddenly remembers these things.

"You really deserve to be my son, when did you guess it was mine?"

By the time he accidentally fell into the memory, the woman had calmly begun to speak.

The sound instantly pulled him back to reality, Jiang Liu Orange wiped the water beads from his face, put the mobile phone on the edge of the pool, he did not turn it off, but did not open the hands-free, but let the other party keep talking, he poured some water on his face again.

The other person said a lot, until he found that he had not made a sound and realized that something was wrong.

Jiang Liu Orange picked up the mobile phone and only heard the woman laugh, she seemed to know that he had not listened to her just now, but was not angry.

"You're smarter than I thought, and that's a lot like me, but alas."

The woman's unfinished words, Jiang Liu Orange can almost guess, because the other party is just a thoroughly refined egoist.

"Why are you calling me?"

For a long time, the woman heard the voice of the youth ringing on the phone, without any resentment, like just simple incomprehension.

When she learned that Jiang Liuorange knew who she was, the woman thought about why he would know, and even felt that Jiang Liuorange deliberately investigated her because she cared.

I have not been around him since I was a child, and it is normal for young people to miss their mothers when they grow up without the company of their mothers. <

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