Part 41

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zhou beiwang had indeed made an appointment with jiang liu orange to pick her up for dinner, but he did not expect to suddenly receive a call from his family and was told the news that his grandmother had entered the hospital, so he had to rush to the hospital.

to his surprise, gu qing was actually there.

from the family's mouth, he knew that gu qing went to visit his grandmother today, and it just so happened that his grandmother was unwell, so gu qing helped to call and sent his grandmother to the hospital with the housekeeper.

there was no way, zhou beiwang could only call jiang liu orange and tell him that he could not go for the time being.

jiang liu orange on the other end of the phone expressed understanding, but refused his proposal to let dou binbin pick them up, the more reasonable he was, the more guilty zhou beiwang felt, he had promised to be good, but as a result, he could not pass by accident, and immediately promised to compensate him next time.

"look north, grandma told you to come over."

zhou bei looked back and saw gu qing standing behind him at some point, and hung up the phone after talking to jiang liu orange.

"thanks for today." although he knew that even if gu qing did not go, the housekeeper who had been following his grandmother at home would soon find out, zhou beiwang still thanked him.

gu qing smiled: "thanks, although i have not been in china for several years, in my heart, i have always regarded grandma zhou as my own grandmother, but if you really want to thank you, then how about inviting me to a meal?"

zhou beiwang agreed, "then i will invite you to dinner next time."

gu qing said, "what are you waiting for next time, i think it's better to choose the day than to hit the sun, so please let me eat tonight." <

zhou beiwang was a little hesitant.

after returning to the ward, grandma also asked him to thank gu qing well, gu qing took the opportunity to mention that zhou beiwang invited him to dinner, and immediately got grandma's approval, and finally there was no way, zhou beiwang could only invite gu qing out to eat.

on the other hand, jiang liuorange, who rejected zhou beiwang's proposal, stopped a car himself, invited li lei to eat a roadside stall, and then went home separately.

"why did you come back so early today, didn't you say you still had a date with your blind date for the night?"

guo qifan saw that he came back at less than eight o'clock, and he was surprised that even if he finished eating and did not go to the movie, he could find a place to take a walk and chat for a while.

"something happened at his house, it seems like grandma was hospitalized and didn't come." jiang liu orange threw the key on the table by the door and went to the toilet to wash his face.

"oh, then there's no way." guo qifan said, unexpectedly, jiang liu orange came out after washing his face and added, "on the phone, i also heard the voice of the person named gu qing who met at the art exhibition last time.

guo qifan suddenly got up and squatted up from his chair: "no, such dog blood?" if there is no accident, the other party should deliberately let you hear.

jiang liu orange: "it's not easy to say."

guo qifan: "there is nothing bad to say about this, in my opinion, there is a good chance that according to the normal routine, this abuse is only afraid that it is just the beginning."

jiang liu orange shrugged, "i'll go take a shower first."

guo qifan shared the matter with the group while he was in the shower. <

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