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Explanations for shortcuts:

Y/N- Your name

H/N- Horse's name



The warm sun came quicker than you could've imagined. 

Birds were arcing and wheeling between the witchcraft of the summer light. An occasional chirrup would echo from the cliffs, eerie and resonating. The immense vista leading to the horizon was jaw-dropping. The blue vault of velvet above seemed to solder into the liquid blanket of silver beneath. Far out to sea, a solitary cormorant, sleek wings a-flurry, streaked out to the place where sea and sky melted into each other and were lost from sight.

You arrived at Bonny's place around noon, greeting known Silverglade residents on the way. The sound of metal being cut could be heard from behind her house, you assumed you would find her there.

However, when you got closer, you saw someone unknown to you.

Her hair was as black as the purest of velvety nights. The soft curls fell in cinnamon swirls to her face covered in mud, her eyes hidden behind round goggles.

Noticing you, she straightened up her back and took off her glasses, revealing a pair of chocolate-colored eyes full of enthusiasm and excitement.

"Hi!" She smiled from ear to ear.

"Hi," You awkwardly waved.

"I'm Rhoda," She rushed to you on her tiptoes and held out a hand for you to shake.

Her eyes began to sparkle as you put your hand into hers. Rhoda's presence by itself changed the atmosphere into something beautiful, being an inspiration to everyone around.

"Y/N, my name is Y/N," You said after a while of silence.

"What can I thank for bringing you to me?" She tilted her head.

You looked around before giving her an answer, "Is Bonny here? She asked me to help her with one of her machines I believe,"

"Oh, yes" She silently clapped, "I recall her saying something about a person arriving soon to assist. I'm afraid she's not here at this moment, but I'm sure I will be able to guide you,"

"I'm glad," You announced happily. 

Meeting someone new was not necessarily a divine pleasure for you. In your position, anyone you pass by could have meant evil will. But with Rhoda, regardless of how things could have turned out, you loved the dance that began. The most important idea was to be able to get a true feeling for who she is over a few weeks and months without ever forming an opinion on her. You let her develop as an old polaroid photograph, nice and slow. Perhaps she was a lifelong friend, a lovable rogue, or a person too damaged to give in an emotionally warm and nurturing way. 

You and Rhoda had a great afternoon spent upgrading the H.O.R.S.E machine. These good vibrations filled your chest, making you not want to leave.

But everything good once ends.

The evening came sooner than you would like, and you knew it was time to go. You haven't seen Bonny anywhere so far, but you didn't worry. She could've been purely busy. A thought of her going out with Evergray flicked in your mind. 

Thinking about her for him was sweet and better than watching a captivating soap opera; Evergray had never known thoughts too could be sweet. Before he realized that he had fallen for her, he never needed to be near her, and yet he greatly regretted the moments he was not close to her. Evergray struggled hard to compose himself in her presence, sometimes he could sweat and his heart could beat so fast and hard just like a parade of soldiers on a matching spree.

You missed the times when you felt these things yourself.

No. You had to stop. 

Stop thinking about him. Stop thinking about that warmth and solicitude. 

It only made things worse.

"You okay?" Rhoda looked over at you, concern visible in her expression.

You nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine,"

"I know we just met today," she shrugged her shoulders, "but you can share anything that's making your heart heavier, you know,"

"It's a long story. And besides, me rambling about my relationship issues isn't much of a pleasure to listen to,"

"Oh, so there is someone after all," The girl smirked.

You giggled as you nudged her with your elbow.

"So, what are they like?" She turned to you, intrigued, "Hot?"

"As hell," You breathed out.

Rhoda chuckled.

"He was something special," You smiled, but your eyes told otherwise.

"Was?" She frowned her eyebrows, "I don't want to be nosy, but did something happen?"

Staring at the ground, you sighed, "He isn't in the picture anymore,"

She stayed quiet. That moment when Rhoda's words stopped was the moment she realized she has misinterpreted your expression.

"I'm sorry," She put her hand on your shoulder.

You nodded as you lifted your head.

The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.  It was the silky, smooth collusion of the sky that burst reds and yellows into the calm of night. Sunset was the sigh of a late summer day and the dawn of a restful winter evening. Sunset was a symphony of color as it sang you all to sleep.

"It's getting late, I should go," You announced.

"Right," Rhoda wiped her hands on her apron, "It was nice meeting you, Y/N"

The corners of your mouth lifted, "The pleasure is on my side,"

You and Rhoda waved your goodbyes as you excited the place, riding on H/N. The ground was soft but dry. The sun had almost set, and thin grey clouds moved slowly and silently through the sky. The air smelt damp, the only sound anyone could have heard was their own breathing and the occasional chirping of a bird above.

Rhoda was a good person.

No matter how things might have gone from this point forward, something about her made you feel safe, feel the comfort as if you laid in a tender bed after a tiring day making your mind and body breathe at last.

Yet, you knew you couldn't trust someone so fast. You couldn't afford to do so.

Tomorrow was a new day, with another druid meeting scheduled. Fun.

You took a glance at the hills aside to the Silverglade Castle. No tent peeking from behind, no flag waving by the rhythm of the warm wind. 

You sighed.

It was okay. 

You were okay.

Were you, really?

Sincerely, Yours│Ydris x reader; Sequel │Where stories live. Discover now