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Explanations for shortcuts:

Y/N- Your name

H/N- Horse's name



As you and Ydris walked past others, you could feel stares crawling on your back. They weren't the loving and ardour kind. You were not imagining this, you knew you weren't, you could feel many pairs of cold eyes staring into the behind of your head. To you, that was enough to believe that there was something you were unaware of. Again.

Were they judging you?

Or were they, perhaps, judging Ydris?

He let go of your hand when you approached the crowd. A puzzled look crossed your face as you looked up at him to see what was the matter.

He sighed anxiously, "I can't go further,"

Your forehead furrowed, your whole body turning to him.


"I'm," Ydris chuckled awkwardly, "not exactly the favourite among them,"

You shrugged your shoulders, "But you were here talking to someone minutes ago,"

"That was a family friend. He doesn't really like me either, but I or him have, or had, no one else," He mumbled.

Ydris was visibly anxious. His eyes wandered from place to place, his fingers fidgeting. His heart was pounding in his chest as if someone was punching him from the inside as he breathed deeply in and out. 

You could see his worry. You could relate. You could see the moments he was on stage. You could sense the lights becoming brighter, making him the spotlight. There, in the audience, could have been anyone. An ally or an enemy.

Lifting yourself up on your tiptoes, your lips alight on his cheek like a dew freckled petal caught in a breeze, so soft and with the smallest hint of coolness. 

"It's alright," You almost whispered, "No one is going to judge you. Not today,"

A low smile spread across his face, "Thank you," He looked around once again before Ydris nodded, "Let's go,"

Together, you pushed through the crowd. Music filled your ears and all you were focusing on was the feel of Ydris' fingers tangled with yours. You knew the warmth in you could not be replaced. It could only be summoned by him, and only him.

In the human world, when even there everyone thought he was the enemy, you still missed him. Your sweet nemesis, how glad you were that he had returned.

And you didn't know what he has done, what he triggered in you, but right then you couldn't think about anything else but the crush of love looping between you.

Your heaven was, however, crushed by a sudden hand stopping you from moving forward. 

"You have no place in here, hotshot," An older man spat out, frowning at Ydris.

His words seemed to attract the attention of more Pandorians around you as they turned with the same disgusted expression.

Whispered phrases such as "Ew" or annoyed eye rolls surrounded you and felt like a tornado lifting you up from the ground and throwing you harshly back and forth with no mercy.

"I need to go," Ydris breathed out with a cracky voice as he let go of your hand.

You could see his eyes slowly fill with tears. He wanted to stay, to hold you in his embrace as you danced to the melody and ignored all and had no sense of anything but each other, yet he couldn't. It hurt him, oh, so much, but his fears overcame him in waves and wouldn't stop.

You looked back, and shouted, "Enough!"

Everyone went quiet as if frozen to the ground.

"What's wrong with all of you?" You frowned.

"With us?" A woman next to you pointed at her own chest, and then at Ydris, "Rather what's wrong with him!"

Someone other nodded as they said, "How dare he even show up?"

You looked around in confusion, all you could hear were agreeing voices. 

Taking Ydris' hand again, you walked away with him.

You simply left.

You didn't need to hear it. Hear them.

Ydris squeezed your hand as a cue for you to look at him. As you did so, he motioned with his head to one of the smaller houses.

Hurrying, you stepped to the door and opened it. 

When you saw the inside, you could clearly tell it was owned by Ydris. Some of the visible items you recognised from his wagon, or it was something from the circus. There wasn't much, yet it felt cozy and warm. A hint of something spicy in the air was making you want to sneeze a bit, reminding you of cinnamon.

Ydris sat on the bed and buried his face in his hands. 

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," He mumbled.

You walked to him and sat on the spot next to him. Running your hand through his hair, he let out a sigh as he let his head fall to your shoulder.

No one ever said to you that in someone's touch you would become lost and find so much. They never said that when you cuddle your heart would race your senses befuddle. They never said that someone might leave and somewhere in you then your heart would cleave.

The world became quiet. You had found peace. 

You came home.

"Why?" You whispered, "Why are they all like this?"

Ydris nested himself in the croak of your neck as he answered.

"Everything and everyone is forbidden to leave Pandoria, have been ever since the war," He said as he softly played with your fingers on your free hand, tangling them with his own.

"Ydris," You turned to him, "No you didn't,"

"I did," He chuckled sadly.

You sighed, "Are they all mad at you because you went to Earth to see me?"

"Partly," He looked up and gave you a peck on the side of your mouth, "The rest is me not being able to bring you back and leaking the fact that we exist,"

You stayed silent. There was nothing you could think of to say.

Ydris broke the rules. He broke the rules for you.

Was that making him the villain, or the hero?

For you, he was neither. For you, he was only Ydris. Your Ydris.

"You should be out there, darling," He said, his voice low, "The celebration is for you,"

You locked your eyes with him as you said silently.

"You're my favourite being,"

You felt him laugh under his breath, making you smile.

"I've always thought of myself, ever since I came back here, as a problem that deserved to stay hidden. Never quite trusted myself, or who I was. Before you. I was alright having things happen to me. I honestly have never thought I deserved to choose," 

His hand moves, fingertips brushing a hair behind you ear, "But, love, you make me think I do,"

"You do, Ydris," You nodded. 

"You deserve to choose,"

Sincerely, Yours│Ydris x reader; Sequel │Where stories live. Discover now