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Explanations for shortcuts:

Y/N- Your name

H/N- Horse's name



A ray of light leaked through the blinds and triggered your eyelids. You turned your body, breaking the seal of your warm imprint on the bed. A looming glow invaded the room; darkness turned into soft shadows. A low-level crisis began. The day was about to break free.

You scrambled as you took hold of Ydris' blanket and enveloped yourself in it like a warm hug. A leg escaped from under the covers, hoping to find the perfect balance of warmth and coolness.

All you wanted at this moment was to binge-watch your dreams and sleep for a thousand years. But then you heard approaching footsteps against the wood floor.

"Hello," Ydris said with a smile, "I tried to think of the sweetest way to wake you, but I couldn't bring myself to stop admiring you sleeping so peacefully,"

You giggled as you hid your face into the pillow at what he added.

He bent over and softly kissed you behind your ear.

"You weren't so shy last night, were you?" He whispered.

Ydris yelped as he saw the said pillow coming at his face, yet he failed to dodge.

"Don't forget who you are messing with," You smirked.

"Oh, yes," He breathed out as he leaned closer, "The honourable Soul Rider, my undaunted protector,"

You grinned and put your hands on his neck, bringing him in.

His kisses were the same as ever, but each felt passionate, each was filled with more love than the previous one. As if he gave you his love slowly, piece by piece because if he poured in all his feelings for you at once it would be too much to take in.

You loved him and he loved you more than you both ever had, and yet you knew you would say the same thing tomorrow, and all the days after that.

"I made breakfast," he said after he pulled away.

Ydris sat up and reached to the nightstand, coming back with a plate of pancakes. They looked basically the same as the ones humans make, only the sirup was in purple shades, sparkling a bit.

You ate, and as you did, he shared his plans for today with you.

You knew you had to prepare for your departure, that Rhoda needed help, but you too wanted to stay with him. So, for at least today, you desired to forget it all.

"We all worry so much about the future, understandably," he looked you in the eyes, "So why don't we go into the past instead? Just for a moment,"

You stared at him, confused, "Sure, but, what? How?"

"You will see soon, my darling,"

After you finished, you put away your plate and prepared yourself for leaving.

You left the house in a while and walked with Ydris side by side through the streets.

Throughout your journey, you kept feeling the way your hand brushed against Ydris', but not quite touched yet. However, after a while, he broke the tension with a flustered sigh as his hand glided down your arm and folded over your hand. His fingers laced with yours, palms kissing. You could feel the fast thud of his heart through this single touch.

The way was not long. You arrived, and as your eyes fixed on what was in front of you, your heart skipped a beat.

A lake appeared as if by magic as we crested the hill. The lake with calmness from its core to the ripples that danced, reflected the pink sky with the most sincere of smiles. The shore was the rocks and the sand, the rough and the smooth, the brightest of purples to contrast with the soft white golds and oranges.

Ydris looked at you as you stared with your mouth agape.

He felt as if his heart sunk and his eyes almost filled with tears at the sight of you here, with him. You have been through so much, he tried so hard to bring you back and failed.

Yet, you came back. To him.

"I told you I loved you here, for the first time," He almost whispered.

You knew.

Well, sort of. This place was definitely known to you. It was as if you met a person who was for sure familiar, but you couldn't for the world remember from where you know them.

"I'm sorry," You said, a lump forming in your throat, "that I don't remember,"

He sighed, "Oh, love,"

Ydris' arms wrapped around you like chains, his whispered words hitting you deeply.

"It's not your fault. It never was,"

He pulled away a bit, still staring into your eyes.

"I will tell you that I love you so many more times, dear. I will tell you until death does us apart," He said with a soft voice.

Was this happiness?

If so, then why are there so many things keeping you from feeling it?

It was in the moment, the more focused the more intense, like a beam of light to the soul. And just as with well-focused light, it is then you find a better resolution. It started as a tingle in your fingers and toes, much like the feeling you had when you were anxious, but instead of worrisome it was warm. You felt it pass through you like a warm ocean wave, washing away the stress of your days to leave you refreshed inside. As the wave faded you savoured the memory of its gentle touch.

You reached out and softly locked your lips together, and you felt him smile into the kiss.

A hand of yours ran up to his hair to pull him in closer, to assure you that this is real. You felt your spirits flying high and your chest flutter as joy was shimmering inside you.

"Ydris," You mumbled when you pulled away.

He answered with a humming sound as he put his forehead against yours.

"On our way here, Garnok attacked us," You looked down.

"Garnok?!" Ydris almost shouted and immediately straightened up, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am," You nodded.

His face regained colour and he exhaled as he heard those words.

"I and Rhoda managed to escape and ended up here, but Lisa and Linda kept running with Garnok behind them," You continued, "I'm afraid something might have happened to them. I know they're strong, but no matter how powerful they are there's no way they fought off Garnok by themselves,"

The Soul Riders are supposed to be the evil ones for you, but you were still one of them. They were still people, they were still your companions. They helped you throughout most of your breakdowns and successes.

You still cared for them. Even though you shouldn't.

"Is there a way I can see if they are okay?" You looked up at him.

Ydris stayed silent for a while, then he sighed and took a hold of your hand.

"There is,"

Sincerely, Yours│Ydris x reader; Sequel │Where stories live. Discover now