New associate

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Explanations for shortcuts:

Y/N- Your name

H/N- Horse's name



You stared at her, a puzzled look on your face.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, glancing at the sparks that flew from your palms.

Noticing them as well, you shook your hands and wiped them on your shirt, "I could ask you the same thing, honestly,"

"I was told to come here," She stuttered.

"By who?" 

"Someone called my name last night. The wasn't human, but I wouldn't call it inhuman either," Her forehead wrinkled, "And somehow, don't ask me how, I painted this blue creature at some point during the night,"

You sighed, massaging between your eyes, "Damn that squirrel,". Motioning for H/N to come out behind the tree, you nodded, "Alright, follow me,"

With a swift hand motion, you created a circle-shaped shining portal. It twinkled in colors of violet and pink, sending shimmers of light on its surroundings.

Rhoda looked at you with wide eyes, her mouth hanging slightly open.

"I've been there. Twice," You chuckled, "Come on in,"

The girl followed you inside the opening, as the blurred world rotated around you, making you feel a bit dizzy each time. The setting around you unfolded not too long after. A piercing gust of wind shook the bare trees above your head, so Rhoda tucked a lock of her hair back under the protection of her hood. Somehow, the Secret Stone Circle has always been cold and windy, despite the blossoming summer under it. 

The portal closed behind you as soon as you stepped out of it.

"Hi Y/N," You heard Linda say, unsure of her words.

You turned to meet your eyes with her and Lisa, standing a few steps away. Lisa scratched her head with a dazed look of bewilderment.

"Oh, um...This is Rhoda," You stepped out of the way, she smiled to greet them, "Fripp called her to come here,"

"Nice to meet you!" She cheered.

Right as the Soul Riders opened their mouths to answer, an enchanting sound could be heard. It told you that it was time for you to finally come inside. You all walked into Fripp's chamber, seeing it was darkened yet sumptuous as usual. The air was thick with humidity for the place's cave-like walls, making it slightly difficult to breathe.


You lifted up your gaze, seeing more than a few Druids standing around a wooden table. Fripp was standing on a step tool to reach it. He decided on doing that once it became funny to only see his ears peeking out, making you nudge the remaining Soul Riders with your elbow so they would stop their giggles.

This amount of people attending the meeting most likely meant that the matter you were about to discuss was rather important. It happened rarely, and considering Rhoda's presence, you assumed it would have something to do with her.

Thinking about her, you noticed that she seemed a bit lost, or maybe a bit nervous.

Fripp's speech started with thanking everyone for their service of being a part of the association and recalling recent missions. Same old. You and the Soul Riders sat in boredom, Linda playing with her pen, which was supposed to be for making potential notes, between her fingers.

You moved closer to the girls and lowered your voice so your words would only reach them.

"I spoke with Ydris last night,"

"What?!" They let out a loud gasp in unison, sitting back down once they were aware of the noise they made, "Sorry,"

Lisa turned back to you, now whispering as well, "What?"

You gulped, nodding.

Linda looked at Lisa, then at you, "How?"

"He gave me a dream," You looked down, "But it didn't last long, he told me-"

"Anything to share?" Fripp interrupted you, raising his eyebrow fur your direction. You murmured a quiet 'no' when you noticed the eyes were all on you.

"As I was saying," He continued, "We are all aware of the passing of one of our Soul Riders, leaving the sisterhood incomplete once more. We can't afford to face the same situation as last time, which ended up with the rest of the failed sisterhood falling apart and deceased Elizabeth Sunbeam being the last vestige. That is why a new face has joined this meeting today,"

Rhoda looked around, waving.

"I'm happy to introduce you to Rhoda, our new Soul Rider, the rider of the Lighting Circle,"

You, Lisa, and Linda looked at her, and your eyes widened. 

Getting replaced sucks, big time. It would be for Alex. She wouldn't be able to sleep at night. She would keep on thinking, as much as she wouldn't want to, what they saw in Rhoda that wasn't in her. She would keep on asking why, why her, why this, why then. She would keep on looking for answers, answers that in fact, she would already have. She would keep asking questions that even they couldn't answer for her. Alex wound keep on hoping that maybe, just maybe, there were still the people who loved and trusted her left in them. That maybe, one day, they would realize that it was her all along.

When someone she thought would always choose her, being replaced would hurt twice as being rejected. It would just ruin her. It would break her apart, trust, belief, self-worth, and even morals. She would never look at the person or love the same way again. She would always doubt and be scared and never be out there.

But Alex was not there. She would never be there anymore. She would never be able to feel any of this.

Even though Rhoda was definitely worth this position, you felt that something just wasn't right. As if two pieces of a puzzle were the fitting shape, yet one of them was supposed to be placed somewhere else.

"Further missions will be discussed another time," Fripp announced, ending the meeting.

When the Druids parted ways, Linda rushed to Rhoda with Lisa behind her back.

"Welcome among us!" She grinned as she embraced Rhoda.

Rhoda seemed confused, not sure of what to do. After a while, she carefully put her hands around Linda in return.

Lisa smiled, "We're glad you are on the same boat with us," She looked behind her at her guitar leaning against the wall near the exit, and then back at you.

"How about we go on a picnic on Forgotten Fields? You know, to get to know each other better," She shrugged her shoulders, "And to explain what this Soul Rider thing is about to Rhoda,"

She chuckled, "Yeah, that would be helpful,"

"Well then," Linda said, "Off to Forgotten Fields,"

Sincerely, Yours│Ydris x reader; Sequel │Where stories live. Discover now