Chapter Ten

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(Y/N) turned around slowly. Careful not to upset or give the psycho a reason to attack. The psycho stood there, unmoving. He looked like a statue. All he did was stare at (Y/N).

(Y/N) moved his hand to hover above his machete. He was prepared for the man to randomly attack him. Unless he had a gun, then there would be a problem. The two stared at each other, neither moving closer or farther apart. Just studying the other.

Shit, my mask! 

(Y/N) remembered that he didn't have anything on. His hood, his goggles, his mask... They were all off. The psycho knew exactly who he was. He had figured it out earlier, but now this confirmed it. Oh well. His identity wasn't exactly a secret anymore.

"Who is Jack?" The psycho asked again, more firm this time. He didn't move any closer, though, still staying exactly where he was.

"Jack..." (Y/N) tried to think of what to say. Jack was a lot of things. A mentor, a hunter, a protector. There wasn't really one definition for him. "Jack is... a friend." (Y/N) didn't really expect him to say that. But it was true. Jack was his best friend.

The answer seemed to upset the psycho, as he clenched his fists. "A friend?" The voice was still modified. 

"Yes," (Y/N) said. "My best friend." 

A silence fell upon them. (Y/N) had no idea how the psycho was feeling. The mask prevented him from reading the man's expressions. Was he angry? Sad? Happy? There was no way to tell.

"Your.... best... friend?" The psycho asked. The modifier made it hard to understand the expression, but he sounded sad.

"Yeah," (Y/N) agreed, deciding to take a tiny step closer. Carefully, he took a small step. 

The psycho didn't react to (Y/N) getting closer. "Your best friend..." He whispered. 

(Y/N) didn't say anything more. He wasn't quite sure what to say. Anything could set this guy off. The slightest gesture. The simplest words.

"Do... you know who I am?" The psycho finally asked. He, too, took  step closer. At first, (Y/N) had wanted to back away, but he kept himself planted where he stood.

"No, I don't." (Y/N) decided not to tell him about the camera footage. It didn't tell him anything, but it was probably not meant to be seen by anyone else.

The psycho took another step, and (Y/N) matched him. The two were a few feet away now. "I am... Or... Was... Your best friend."

(Y/N) had to stop himself from scoffing. He wasn't quite sure who his best friend was. There was quite a lot of them, right? Hannah, Beth, and Jessica were dead. The psycho wasn't Sam, Mike, Chris, or Ashley. That left Emily, Matt, and Josh. It could be Emily. She could be wearing something to appear man-like. Matt, it sure could be. He didn't know anything about him. Josh, maybe. But he had heard Sam tell Mike that Josh had been killed... So, no.

Matt or Emily?

"I don't... I don't remember," (Y/N) answered truthfully. There were a lot of gaps in his memory. Simple things, like his best friend, was still missing.

"You don't remember?" The psycho's voice was angry. "Why not?" He asked, his voice a little softer.

"Uh... I fell?" (Y/N) chuckled, but stopped himself. "I hit my head. I lost my memory. I've been up here for the past year."

"You lost your memory?" The psycho questioned him. (Y/N) nodded, prompting the man to continue. "How much of it?"

(Y/N) shrugged. Even he was unsure. "Pretty much everything. All of my friends." He paused. "You. I forgot it all."

The psycho unclenched his fist. He didn't stand as tall. "I'm... I'm sorry."

The sudden kindness took (Y/N) off guard. He moved his hand from his machete to let it rest at his side. "It's not your fault."

The psycho sighed. "It... It kind of is. The night you left... You wouldn't have left if I wasn't a coward."

(Y/N) cocked his head to the side, confused. "I-I don't understand what you me-"

"I was going to tell you..." A pause. "Something. But instead I got drunk and passed out. Chris told me you went with Beth." (Y/N) listened patiently. Each piece of his past he got, he treasured. "You... You should've been with me. But you weren't."

(Y/N) took a moment to collect his thoughts. To figure out what to say. He didn't even realize how close the two were. Only a few inches separated them now. "You can't blame yourself. How were you supposed to know something like that would happen?" He said, in as gentle a voice he could. 

The psycho sniffled. Was he crying? "You... You're still as sweet as you used to be."

(Y/N) smiled softly. He looked into the psycho's eyes. He couldn't really see them, but he still tried.

The psycho looked away, the eye contact too much for him. (Y/N) didn't know what to do. What to say. He went with his gut. He reached forward, embracing the psycho. Slowly, the psycho wrapped his arms around the other. A gentle hug. No words needed to be said between the two.

The feeling felt familiar to (Y/N). Maybe the psycho really was telling the truth. Maybe he really was his best friend. Maybe (Y/N) could help him. Help change him from this.

(Y/N)'s mind snapped back to reality. Why? Why did he do that? He pulled away as quickly as he had hugged him. (Y/N) nearly jumped a couple of feet back. "S-Sorry!" He apologized. "I didn't... I wasn't... I..."

"(Y/N)." The psycho interrupted his stuttering.

(Y/N) looked at him. "Wh... What?"

The psycho was still for a moment. Then, he lifted his hands to his mask. Slowly, he took his mask off.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. "Josh...?"

Connection - Josh Washington x M!Reader [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now