Chapter Fourteen

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(Y/N) looked behind him and saw the Wendigo catching up. He knew there was no way to outrun it. They had to hide. "Over here," (Y/N) whispered to Josh, pulling him into the wall. There wasn't any cover, their backs were just pressed against the wall. "Don't. Move."

The creatures couldn't see. In a way, they could. They could see movement. If you were right in their face, but unmoving, they wouldn't 'see' you. It was one of the first things he learned from Jack. Terrifying to test. But useful.

The Wendigo appeared. (Y/N)'s lip curled in disgust. He had forgotten how ugly they were. Josh's grip on his hand got tighter. It hurt a little bit, but he couldn't say anything. Honestly, the feeling kept him focused. The two were silent, though Josh was breathing a lot heavier than the other man.

The Wendigo cocked its head, moving around the tunnel. It stopped right in front of the two men. It made a hiss noise, causing Josh to jump a tiny bit. Luckily, the Wendigo hadn't been looking at him at that brief moment.

It hissed again, but Josh was still this time.  (Y/N) glanced over, proud of how well he was doing. The Wendigo growled, looking around once more. Satisfied, it ran off further into the tunnels.

Josh didn't move until (Y/N) did. He loosened his grip on the boy's hand, but still held onto it. (Y/N) smiled at him. "Good job, Josh... Bastard caught me off guard."

Josh attempted a smile back, but his mind and heart were both racing. He couldn't even find the words to speak. What was that thing? Was he dreaming? There was no way something like that could exist!

(Y/N) tugged Josh's hand. "Come on, we need to find Matt."

Josh wanted to say 'fuck Matt, let's get out here!' but he didn't. He just nodded and let the boy guide him further in.

As they walked, the two could hear that thing again. (Y/N) let go of Josh's hand. "Go into that little cave thing right there," He ordered.

Josh shook his head. "No, I'm not going to-"

"Now!" (Y/N) said, harshly. "Uh... I mean, please?" He softened his tone, seeing the expression on Josh's face. Luckily, Josh decided to listen. It was weird. He sounded like Jack, just then. He didn't like that. He didn't want to be like Jack at all.

(Y/N) walked further down. He could see blood on the floor. Little droplets. He followed them into a little cave part. There was Jessica and Matt.

"(Y/N)?" Matt questioned. "How are you-"

"I don't really have time to explain," He said. Matt didn't press him further. He didn't know how to press his further. (Y/N) looked at Jessica, seeing the injuries that were all over her body. "How is she doing?"

"N-Not good..." Jessica whispered, leaning onto Matt for balance. She looked like shit, to say the least.

"Bad. I was going to lead her out of here, but then I saw that... that thing," Matt told him, his face full of confusion and fear.

"I know. I know. I can get you out of here, you just need to-"

"Look out!" Matt screamed.

(Y/N) barely had time to turn around before his throat was grabbed and he was lifted into the air. The Wendigo. It's pale eyes pierced his own. It screamed at him, spit flying onto his face. (Y/N) couldn't breathe. He tried to pry the Wendigo's fingers away, but it was no use. He could feel his head beginning to pound, his legs going limp as his fingers stopped scratching at the creatures.

His friends were screaming, attracting the Wendigo. It tossed (Y/N) to the side, knocking the wind out of him as he landed against the wall. His head was spinning, his vision a little blurry as he tried to regain his composure. The Wendigo screamed, it's attention now on Jessica and Matt.

(Y/N) was quick. He grabbed his machete and lunged at the creature, stabbing it in the back. He knew it wouldn't really do anything. He just needed to get its attention off of his friends.

The Wendigo turned around, screaming once more. It took a swipe, but (Y/N) dodged it. He didn't have his flamethrower, so he had to do this the old fashioned way. He lunged forward and sliced one of the creature's hands off.

The Wendigo hissed, taking another swipe. This time, (Y/N) wasn't able to avoid it, and the creature scratched his face. It hurt like hell, but the adrenaline was able to dull some of the pain. (Y/N) sliced the other hand off quickly.

The creature growled, going for a swipe, but realizing it couldn't. In it's confusion, (Y/N) tackled it. (Y/N) sat atop it's chest as the creature screamed and hissed, flailing its limbs. (Y/N) had to avoid the teeth desperately tried to bite him as he sliced the Wendigo's head off. It hissed for a moment, then went silent. He killed it.

(Y/N) was panting and the pain began to set. He could feel the blood dripping down his face. He looked up at his two friends, and Josh, who hurried over once he heard the commotion.

"(Y/N)!" Josh said, running over to him. He sat next to him, holding his face gently as he looked at the scratch. 

"Holy shit..." Matt breathed out, guiding Jessica out of the cave.

Jessica didn't look too surprised. "That's... That's the thing that... Attacked me." Her voice was so soft. So unlike the memories that (Y/N) had for her.

(Y/N) smiled at Josh, his cheeks burning. "It's okay. I'll be okay," He reassured him. The two stood up.

"B-But you're hurt... (Y/N)..." Josh whispered.

(Y/N) took one hand and placed it on top of Josh's. He squeezed gently. "I'll be okay." Josh leaned forward and pressed their forehead's together, closing their eyes.

The two had completely been lost in their own world. Matt and Jessica just watched with a smile on their face. Both knew that they had a crush on each other. It was sweet to them. To see their friends finally get over their fears.

 (Y/N) opened his eyes back up. "We... We need to get back to the lodge."

"Good idea," Matt agreed. The four began to walk, cautiously. Josh's hand found (Y/N)'s again, their fingers intertwining.

"Is... Is anyone else alive...?" Jessica asked. She was clinging onto Matt, barely able to stand and walk. They needed to hurry, but (Y/N) knew that with Jessica, they wouldn't be able to.

"Yeah. Everyone so far. They're all back at the lodge," (Y/N) answered.

"Thank God..." Matt mumbled.

Connection - Josh Washington x M!Reader [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now