Chapter Thirteen

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The two had walked to one of the mine entrances. They were mostly silent, Josh too nervous and (Y/N) too focused to really say anything. (Y/N) took a deep breath and looked over at Josh. "You ready?"

Josh looked unsure, but nodded. "Ready."

"Then stick close." (Y/N) began to lead Josh through the mines. The mines were huge, areas where even Jack hadn't been. Mostly because it was too dangerous. The Wendigos had a home, and one could tell they were close by how aggressive the Wendigos got. They were defensive. Whatever food they had, which was very scarce, they guarded with all their might. 

(Y/N) had asked Jack a little more about where Matt could be. He told him where he found Emily, and figured that Matt wouldn't have been that deep. (Y/N) had been thinking for a while, but was satisfied with where he decided. It wasn't even really in the mines. It was on the outskirts, one could call it. The tunnels before the elevators. Not too dangerous. But anywhere on the mountain one had to be cautious, whether in the mines or not.

The two began to navigate. It was a little dark, but the old miners had installed lights to guide the way. (Y/N) looked over and could see how nervous Josh was. "It's okay," He started, and Josh looked over at him. "The Wendigo don't really occupy this area. They're usually down below."

Josh nodded. "Unless Emily lured them out."

"If she did, Jack will find them," (Y/N) responded confidently.

Josh furrowed his eyebrows. "Who exactly is Jack anyways?"

(Y/N) shrugged. "I don't really know. I just know he's been up here a lot longer than I have. He's a lot stronger than me. A lot wiser than me. A lot smarter than me." (Y/N) saw Josh's expression and smiled, realizing why Josh was so curious about Jack. "And a lot older than me, by the way."

This earned a chuckle from Josh. His jealously hadn't completely washed away, but most of it was gone now. It was more like a father-son relationship, unlike what Josh had previously thought. "So you and him aren't-"

"No." (Y/N) said, maybe a little too harshly. "No, no, no." He said, sticking his tongue out. "I don't even wanna imagine that." He shuddered.

Josh laughed. "You sure? Because you two would make a cute coupl-"

"No!" (Y/N) laughed, covering Josh's mouth with his hand. "Shut up!"

The two were a laughing fit. They were just enjoying each other's company. Both had forgotten what this was like. To be so comfortable around someone. To be so happy.

"(Y/N)?" Jack's voice ruined their moment. It wasn't the first time. (Y/N) wanted to tell Jack to just leave him be. To just let him have these moments with Josh. But he knew he could never say that to the man.

(Y/N) sighed. "Sorry," He mumbled to Josh before grabbing the walkie talkie. "Yes, Jack?"

"There's... so many of them. Coming out of the mines. Whatever your friends did... It's bad. Really bad," Jack warned. "You need to find Matt and get the hell back to the lodge, you hear? I'll meet you there."

(Y/N) had forgotten about Matt. Josh was such a wonderful distraction. "Yes, sir, Jack. I'm on it." (Y/N) stuffed the walkie talkie away. "Come on. We need to stop messing around."

Josh's smile was still bright. "Okay, okay. You started it."

(Y/N) rolled his eyes. "I definitely did not." The two began to move further through the tunnels. The path naturally had them go deeper down. "Be careful," (Y/N) warned Josh, putting a finger to his lip to show Josh they needed to be quiet.

Josh nodded, looking around. He had known there were old buildings here, but this...? Never had his parents mentioned this. He had never found this before. How was it possible he didn't know about it? His eyes landed on an elevator. "(Y/N), look!" He pointed to it.

(Y/N) saw. It was one of the old elevators. As he looked closer, he could see blood on it. He kneeled down and inspected it. The blood was fresh. "Oh no..." He mumbled, shaking his head.

Josh leaned down to see. "Whoever it was, they're gone... That's good, right? It means they're still alive and walking around?"

(Y/N) bit his lip. "That... Or a Wendigo dragged them down to their home. It's a fifty fifty." He stood back up and looked at Josh. "You scared yet?" He said with a teasing grin.

Josh scoffed. "Are you?"

(Y/N) shrugged a little bit. "Eh. I've hunted them before. I've just never... Saved people before." He smiled. "Kind of weird, right?"

"What part? The mines, the Wendigos, the fact that you disappeared, the fact that you're back a year later, or what? I can go on."

(Y/N) laughed. "All of it."

"Then yeah. Preeettyyyy weird," Josh said. He paused. "I'm glad you're here, though."

"Me, too."

Josh smiled softly. "I've missed you. Like crazy."

"I... I would say I missed you too, but I forgot you existed," (Y/N) said truthfully, and the two laughed. 

Josh stepped closer to him. "That's a good point."

(Y/N) grinned. "But now that you're here again... I'm... I'm happy."

The two stared into each other's eyes. Looking at their lost crush. Their lost best friend. It was strange, but it was good. To be with each other again.

Josh coughed a little. "You know, I-"

A loud screech caused the pair to jump. "Who was that?" Josh questioned, panic on his face.

(Y/N) recognized it. "Not a who," He told him. "It's a Wendigo." (Y/N) looked down the tunnel and saw it's shadow. It was coming in from the entrance. "Shit, it found us!" (Y/N) grabbed Josh's hand and began to run with him. "Quiet, and follow me!"

Josh didn't need to be told twice.

Connection - Josh Washington x M!Reader [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now