Chapter Eight

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Mike was surprised when (Y/N) fell into his arms, hugging him close. Why was he so emotional now? In truth, (Y/N) had fallen in love with the feeling of someone else. He had gone so long with nothing. Jack didn't like to touch, to pat his back, to hug, to do anything. 

Mike hugged the boy back, patting his back gently. "You okay, man?" He asked, worried. Before all this happened - before last year happened - (Y/N) wasn't quite so affectionate as now. He never felt comfortable enough with anyone. Well, except Josh.

(Y/N) let go of Mike, his mind returning to reality. With each person he learned something new from his past. It hurt. In a weird way, it hurt. To know that he left his life behind, friends, family, love... And now he was this, this freak who hunted wendigos and spent all day in a fucking mountain! 

Wendigos. That's what he knew. He knew how to hunt them and knew how to kill them. If Jack had been killed, Mike would have known, right? He would've heard the scream, a cry, anything! "Mike? Mike, where's Jessica?" (Y/N) asked. Mike's girlfriend. Where was she? He could only see Mike. Jessica hadn't made herself shown, yet.

Mike looked to the floor, pain in his eyes as his heart ached. He tried. He had tried. "She's..." He sighed, unable to speak.

"Mike? Where is she!?" (Y/N) asked louder, anger and desperation in his voice.

"She's... She's dead." Mike admitted, looking at the boy in front of him.

"No... no, no, no, no, no!" (Y/N) shouted, clenching his fists. He wanted to punch something to relieve the anger in his soul, but nothing was there. Just Mike and some stone walls. Those wouldn't be very fun to punch. "Shit!" The boy mumbled, trying to think. This was fine. Well, almost. It wasn't fine, but it was manageable. He looked to Mike. "Her body? Where did you find it? Did she have any scratches? Like claws?"

"Whoa, what? Claws? What are you talking about?" Mike asked, almost scared. Sam walked into the room, fully changed with a light on her head. That would be useful. (Y/N) had one like that in his bag as well. Along with many, many flashlights.

"What are we talking about?" Sam questioned, seeing the expressions on her friends faces. (Y/N) was worried, the anger gone. Mike was confused, but terror hid behind his eyes. "Guys?"

"Jessica's body!" (Y/N) said, then realized. "Oh... right. Jessica is dead, Sam. Mike just told me."

Sam held her breath. "...Dead?" She felt tears in her eyes but held them back. First Josh, now Jessica? How many would this maniac kill before he was satisfied? "Are you sure?"

Mike sighed, not really wanting to talk about it. But he knew he had to, so he'd rather get it over now. "Yeah. We were in the cabin, when someone threw her phone through the window. We figured it was one of you guys, just tryna fuck with us."

(Y/N) nodded, listening carefully. "The cabin? The one near the mines?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that's the one. Anyways, Jess went outside and began yelling, angry, you know? She came back inside and stood by the door."

"Was she moving a lot? When she yelled outside?"

"Uh-huh. Arms up and everything."

"Hmm... Okay, keep going."

"She stood by the door. And then... he grabbed her. He grabbed her from the window on the door and pulled her through. I grabbed the gun and ran after her... She was crying out for me, begging for help..." Mike coughed, trying to distract his mind from crying. Her cries and screams stained his mind. It was awful. To hear her, so helpless...

Jack wasn't that strong. He was strong, sure, but to grab a person from there? He couldn't do it. Then to run with the body? It wasn't him. That could only mean one thing. But (Y/N)had to be sure. "Where did he take her?"

Mike tried remembering. Where was he? It was a weird place, he had never seen it before. But there were a few things there that he recognized. So, he took his best shot. "The mines. She was laying on this elevator shaft. Just... helpless. She called out for help, but when I went to grab her... It fell. She fell down into the mines..."

Sam leaned onto Mike and patted his back, trying to comfort him. It hurt her, too. Sam and Jessica were very close, but they were friends. Jessica didn't deserve death.

"Did you see who grabbed her?" (Y/N) asked, still worried about Jack. If it was a wendigo, surely Jack would've killed it. But where was Jack?

"Yeah... It was this man, with goggles and a big jacket. He just... walked away after that. Into this weird building."

"Did you actually see him take her?"

"Yes. Well, actually, no." Mike scratched the back of his neck. "But who else could it be?"

(Y/N) nodded. It was definitely a wendigo. But why only Jess? It could've killed her then and slaughtered Mike too, but it only took Jessica. "The building. Was it the sanatorium?"

"The what?" Sam questioned, looking at (Y/N) confused.

Mike knew what he was talking about. "Yes! There were all these... graves, and bodies. Something happened to some miners there."

The boy knew enough. If Jack had led him there, he would have known Mike was there. The wolves would have warned him. Jack probably went into hiding to save himself. "Okay. Listen, I'll explain everything to you. But first, we have to make sure everyone else is safe."

"And what about the maniac?" Sam was in grief. He killed Josh and Jessica. He needed to be stopped.

"We'll deal with that. First, we-"

"Chris!! Oh my god, Chris!" A woman's cry rang out. It was in the room next to them. She was clearly terrified, her words laced with fear. What was going on in there?

The three looked toward the direction of the yell. Sam was the first to move, quickly running over to the door. It was jammed, and she had to use her whole body to push it. When that didn't work, Mike helped and pushed on the door, allowing it to open.

"Ashley!" Sam called out, running into the room. Mike looked back at (Y/N), still holding the door open.

"You coming?"

(Y/N) looked behind him. "Yeah, one sec!" He ran to the corner of the room and grabbed the camera, stuffing it into his bag. There might be something in there that would help them find out who the psycho was. He quickly ran over to Mike and went through the door, it slamming loudly behind the two of them.

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