Chapter Eleven

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It was... Josh? That cute boy from earlier? Looking closer at his face, (Y/N) felt... something. Familiarity. Suddenly, a million memories flooded his mind at once.

The two were younger here. High school students on their last day. Josh and (Y/N) smiled, walking out of the school together. Both hoping that their friendship would continue even after school ended.

Prom night. Josh and him didn't have any dates, so they 'took' each other. As friends, of course. But both Josh and (Y/N) thought of it as a date. Each thinking the other thought they were just friends.

They were at a beach now. Josh looked so good... Beth called her friend out for staring, causing the boy to blush. Luckily, Josh didn't hear them. But (Y/N) didn't notice that Josh was admiring him, too.

The two were laying in a field of grass, side by side. They were pointing out stars, both making up funny names for fake constellations. Their hands were brushing. Josh wanted to grab his hand, and (Y/N) wanted to hold Josh's. But they were too shy.

Josh was crying. He sobbed in his friend's arms, telling him all the emotions and sadness he had kept bottled up. (Y/N) wanted the pain to end for Josh. He wanted to make him feel better, but he didn't know how. He didn't know it, but being there was one of the best things for Josh.

A movie theater. They were watching some random horror movie. (Y/N) was terrified and clung onto Josh. (Y/N) wasn't really scared. He just wanted an excuse to hold Josh. Josh didn't care for this movie, he hadn't even wanted to see it. He just wanted an excuse to hold (Y/N).

The night (Y/N) disappeared. Beth had told him that Josh wanted to tell him something. The whole way there he begged that Josh would confess his love for him. But Josh was passed out, and (Y/N) had figured it was a prank.

Neither of them got to figure out how the other felt for them.

(Y/N) was breathing deeply now. His heart was aching. Not in a good or a bad way. It just... hurt. So many memories had unlocked for him. His parents, his home, his friends. But most importantly, he remembered Josh.

"Josh..." (Y/N) repeated, tears in his eyes. His old life now replayed in his head. Memories upon memories filled his mind. It was overwhelming. It was too much. 

He hadn't even noticed when Josh had put his hands on his shoulders, trying to calm him down. "(Y/N)? What happened?"

(Y/N) looked at him, the tears slowly sliding down his cheeks. "I remember." 

Josh tilted his head slightly. "What do you remember...?" He asked.

"Everything," (Y/N) breathed out. "My family. My friends. You." He looked away. "And how I felt about you."

Josh's heart was racing. Pounding. "What do you mean?"

(Y/N) had a faint blush grace his face. "I think..." He paused, unsure how to express it. "...that I was in love with you." Each memory only added to this theory. He had told all his friends how he felt about Josh. And in each memory with Josh, he could feel his love for him.

Josh's eyes widened. He stared at the man before him, unsure exactly what to say. "How do you know that?" He asked, his voice soft, as he wiped the tears from (Y/N)'s face.

(Y/N) took a deep breath. "In my memories, I'm always... Different around you." (Y/N) smiled a little. "Plus, I confessed to our friends that I like you." (Y/N) laughed nervously.

Josh was now blushing as well. "You did?" He chuckled. This is all Josh had ever wanted. To know that (Y/N) loved him back. The situation wasn't ideal, but Josh relished in the moment. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I figured you didn't like me back. I mean, why would you?" (Y/N) looked back at Josh, only to see Josh staring at his lips. (Y/N)'s gaze moved down to Josh's lips. 

"I..." Josh began to lean forward. (Y/N) felt himself moving forward as well, their lips faintly brushing together as they-

"(Y/N!)" A voice interrupted them, both jumping away from each other. (Y/N) looked around for the source. "Son, you there?"

"Jack!" (Y/N) gasped, relief filling his body. He grabbed the walkie talkie. "Jack, I'm here! Are you okay? What happened? You haven't been answering! I've been really worried!" (Y/N) spewed out.

"Shh!" Is what the man replied with. "Listen, are your friends okay?"

"Um... Most of them, I think. I've got four of them hidden in a room and one of them is with me," (Y/N) replied. Josh was listening in, still a little jealous of who 'Jack' was. 

"Good, good. I've been following one of them. A girl, black hair." The older man told him. His voice was low. Was he hunting?

"Emily!" Josh said.

"It's a girl named Emily," (Y/N) told him.

"Emily. Listen, last I saw she was running back to the lodge. You need to go help her, okay?" Jack ordered.

"Got it," (Y/N) replied. "Keep in touch, please."

"You too," Jack told him.

(Y/N) stuffed the walkie talkie into his pocket. "Come on, we gotta go."

Josh nodded, and the two left to get back to the top of the lodge.

Connection - Josh Washington x M!Reader [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now