Chapter Six

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"How did you-" (Y/N) backed up towards the door. He slipped his fingers into his pockets and took out the lock pick, and started working on the door while looked at the psycho. He had done this a million times before, but now he couldn't see it. This would take time. He had to keep him talking. "Who are you?"

How did this guy know his name? That would have to mean they knew each other before he disappeared. It would be easier if (Y/N) knew his past so he could pinpoint who it was. Maybe he could ask...? No. No, this guy was nuts. Whatever weird things were happening were because of him. There was no friendship between them anymore, if there even had been.

"Y-you're... alive? But... how!? How are you alive!?" The man raised his voice and got closer. His fists were clenched, but they were shaking. He wasn't going to attack. He was hurting. His soul was aching. He started pacing back and forth, his mind hazy as grief, happiness, anger, and sadness filled his body. (Y/N) was dead. He... how was he here?

"I. Don't. Know you!" (Y/N) shot back. It was harder to unlock the door when he was backwards and couldn't see it. He was trying to go fast, but when he started picking up the pace he would mess up. The panic he felt didn't help. He tried to remember the man. Long, black hair. That's all he knew about him. No memories came up. Nothing triggered anything. Long, black hair. Nothing. Just emptiness. Perhaps he was wrong about this man being the key.

"You... don't remember me?" Josh's heart broke right then and there. He had spent his life with (Y/N), just for him not to remember? All those days, the laughs, the tears, the memories! Why didn't he remember? What sick game was this? "Why not?" He asked angrily.

"Maybe because I fell off a cliff!" It was a good excuse. Falling off a cliff and waking up with amnesia? Who knows if this man would believe it, though. The boy could feel it. He unlocked the door. He pocketed his equipment and held the handle, waiting for the perfect moment.
The man was getting angry, (Y/N) had to be ready for anything.

"You did...? Then what about Hannah? And Beth? Did... did they fall too?" Josh questioned. No one knew what happened to any of them. Beth had seen a man outside and then they were gone. Josh had given his statement, but they didn't really care. He had been drunk. No one else knew she had seen anyone. Well, anyone that hadn't disappeared. There was no clues. No bodies, no evidence, nothing. Perhaps the twins were alive. Maybe. But Josh already knew the answer.

"Yes. But... they died on impact. They fell further than I did." Hannah and Beth had fallen deep into the cave. Jack and (Y/N) knew going down there was a death trap. Wendigos riddled the place. Even if they had survived the fall, they wouldn't have survived too long. They would be dead by now. The boy's hand was getting sweaty. It didn't help he was wearing full winter gear inside. 

A tear rolled down the man's face, but (Y/N) couldn't see it. Josh was breathing heavily. None of this made sense. The boy he had loved was here. He was really here! But... he was dead. It had been a year with nothing but silence. The silence had taken it's toll on Josh. Perhaps that's why he didn't believe (Y/N) was really here. He had to be sure. Josh needed to touch his friend. He needed to feel if he was real. A hug, a brush of the hand, anything! He needed to know he wasn't crazy. That this, this meeting was true. That he wasn't just something in his head. Josh held his arms open and walked forward slowly, trying not to spook the boy.

The boy thought this was an attack. A larger crazy psycho coming at him with his arms wide? He didn't hesitate. He opened the door and quickly slammed it behind him. He heard the man yell out his name before he started beating on the door. "Open the door! Please!" The man begged, desperation clear in his voice. The boy locked the door, pressing his body against it. He closed his eyes and shook his head, keeping the door shut. Eventually, the man stopped, and (Y/N) heard his footsteps fade. Not until then did he let himself off the door.

He opened his eyes. Sam stood there, curious. She was shaking. Scared. "(Y/N)? Is... is it really you?" Tears were on the brink of her eyes. She walked up to him and grabbed one of his hands, intertwining their fingers. (Y/N) couldn't fight back. For some reason, his body knew this was safe. His body let Sam touch him, even though his mind was telling him to fight.

Sam let out a grasp that sounded like a hiccup. This was real. She was really feeling him. He was alive. They were touching. He was alive. Her friend, the one she had thought she was dead was here. It still didn't seem real, but she knew that it was. The boy nodded, reaching up with his free hand and taking down all the things covering his face. His hood, goggles, mask. Now she could see him. She knew for sure it was him. Sam gasped, putting her hand over her mouth as her tears finally fell. "It's me, Sam." The boy whispered.

Sam didn't hesitate. She quickly wrapped her arms around him. (Y/N) gasped, his survival instincts rising. But once again, his body knew he was safe. He held her in his arms and he in hers. Sam. He knew Sam.

His tears began to pour. He covered his face in his hands, unable to look Sam in the eyes. What he just told her could change everything. What would she think? What would she say?

"You like guys...?" Sam repeated what he had said. The boy nodded sheepishly. Sam looked at the crying boy. She smiled softly and forced his hands away from his face. She held them in her hands, making sure he felt her love. "(Y/N). Look at me."

The boy did as she asked. He slowly made eye contact with her. He felt so vulnerable, so weak. He hated this feeling. The fear, the uncertainty, the worry. It was a melting pot of horrible emotions he had felt for years. They were at their strongest now.

"This doesn't change anything. You liking boys? So what? It doesn't change the friendship we have. I love you. We all love you." Sam told him sternly, but with affection coating every word. "I'm proud of you, okay? This isn't an easy thing to admit. But just know we love you. We always will, (Y/N)."

He couldn't say anything. He began to sob, and Sam wrapped her arms around him tight. He did the same, tears and laughter coming from them.

"Sam..!" He broke the hug and grabbed her shoulders, looking into her face. Her face was home. He had known her for years. They were friends. Since grade school. She was his first friend ever. His mom had been so excited to see him have a friend, even if it was just one. "I remember. For the first time since I fell, I actually remember."

"You fell? Is that where you've been? How have you survived?" Sam said, curiosity eating inside her. She always wanted to know things. She was curious, inquisitive. (Y/N) loved that about her. He loved it then and he does now. But there were other things to worry about. He would explain while they got out of here. He needed answers too, but her questions were more important.

"Later. We need to get everyone together and safe." (Y/N) told her and the two began to walk forward. He would go through the door, but who knows what was behind it. The psycho? Death? The ground was rotted and the plank was soggy. Wherever they were, no one had been down here in a long time.

"I don't know where anyone is! I got out of the bath and..." Sam smiled and laughed softly. "Well, you saw what happened. Sam pointed to her bloody head and bruised knees. She had fell when fleeing the psycho. Clearly, her outfit was not meant for this. "Do you know the way out?"

(Y/N) shook his head. "No. But we'll find our way out. Come on, let's go."

Connection - Josh Washington x M!Reader [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now