Chapter Seven

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"What is that?" Sam gasped, worry lacing her words. It was a person in a chair, not facing them. They were looking straight at a wall, not moving. They hands were empty and limp. Another body? Or a fake one like before? These thing were hard to tell.

(Y/N) put a hand out to stop Sam from moving closer to it. Who knows what this was. The two had been searching for a way out. After many dead ends and doors, they found this room. It was empty, just another door leading to another room. The only thing in it was this body. If it even was a body.

The trip the two had taken together was just as weird as this. It looked like a hotel of some sorts; there were rooms with beds and a cafeteria and such. But it was all in ruin. The rooms leaked, the floors were rotted and broken, the wallpaper and paint was peeling off. There were rats, bugs, and other creatures down here. It was nothing like (Y/N) had ever seen.

Jack and him always stayed in the lodge. They never really went anywhere but the rooms, quickly, scanning for danger. They had never went in the basement because the door had always been locked, so they knew no wendigo could get down there.

Jack. The boy hadn't heard from him in a while. Maybe he was dealing with the same problem. Or even worse, the wendigos. He had been following Mike and Jessica, right? He could only hope they were safe. Jack never initiated first contact unless it was an emergency, so maybe things were under control. Hopefully.

"Be careful!" Sam said, snapping (Y/N) back to reality. "Who knows who that is." Sam was scared. What if it was Ashley? Or Matt? Or any one of her friends? She had already seen that Josh had died. If another was killed, she didn't know if she could live with the grief.

(Y/N) nodded, taking slow steps towards the body. He already suspected it wasn't real. He was hoping. He grabbed the back of the chair and turned it, facing the body towards the two of them. It was a dummy. It had some clothes on, but the weirdest part was the face. It was wearing a clown mask. Like the one from earlier, the scarecrow with the clown masks. Someone clearly liked clowns.

"It's wearing my clothes!" Sam said, confused. She walked up to the dummy and showed (Y/N). "These were my clothes from the bathroom! When that guy-"

"The psycho?"

"Yeah! When he stole my clothes," Sam huffed. "At least I know where they went." She chuckled softly, trying to make the situation a little less awful. Her nerves were shot. She was trying to distract herself. She began to try and take the clothes off the dummy, when (Y/N) spotted something on one of the doors. It was hanging from the doorknob.

"Wait, Sam, look," He said, and pointed to the bag. Sam looked, curious, and a smile spread across her face.

"My bag!" She said, walking over to it. She opened the pink bag, looking through it. "Oh thank god, all my things are here." Sam let out a sigh of relief. She took the bag off the hook, ready to change, when she saw the camera in the room. "Umm... I think I'll look for somewhere else to change." She pointed to it.

(Y/N) noticed the camera too. It's light was red, indicating it was recording. He grabbed the camera, analyzing it. He turned the camera recording off, then began looking at what it had recorded. "Hey, come here," He waved Sam over.

The two looked at the video. The man was dressing the dummy in front of the camera, laughing to himself as he put it on the chair. To finish, he showed off his sleeping gas to the camera and put a finger to the lip of the mask, making a 'shh' noise as he left. His voice was still dark and grainy. Whatever machine he had to change his voice clearly stuck by his side at all times.

"What the fuck...?" (Y/N) said. He was recording everything? The man scanned the room, looking for another camera. He came up empty. Were there always camera? In the shed? In the lodge? When did the psycho have time to do all this? Jack and (Y/N) had been patrolling, how could they have missed something so obvious?

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