Chapter Nine

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When they went into the room, it wasn't like anything (Y/N) could have ever imagined.

The room was nearly bare. Except for the huge thing in the middle. There were two saws, like the one in the shed, slowly lowering. They were lowering on two people, who were strapped to two chairs and a table between them. The man had a gun in his hand. It was pointed to his head.

(Y/N) quickly scanned the room. The saws were connected to a wire. The wire led to one of the posts in the room. He quickly ran over to the post and hit the button, the saws stopping.

"Chris! Ashley!" Sam called out, rushing over to the two of them. She began untying them from where they were strapped down.

"Chris? Ashley?" (Y/N) whispered, getting a good look of them. He knew them.

"Give it back!" Ashley called out, trying to reclaim her beanie. Chris held it up high, so she couldn't reach it. She jumped up, but still was unable to grab it.

"You look so different without your beanie, Ash." (Y/N) teased. Ashley's face turned bright red as she stuck her tongue out at her friend.

Ashley realized she wouldn't be able to grab it. So, she grabbed Chris's glasses from his face. "Ha!"

Chris squinted, unable to see anything now. He lowered his arm so the beanie was at his chest. "Hey! I can't see."

(Y/N) laughed. Sure, Ashley looked different. But Chris looked weird without his glasses. It was like two different people in front of him now. "I can barely recognize you guys!"

Ashley snatched her beanie back from Chris and replaced it with his glasses. Finally, they looked like normal. 

(Y/N) froze for a moment. Silent. Just watching as the friends all helped each other. These people in front of him... They were his old life. The life he sacrificed in order to keep people safe. At the time, it seemed like a good idea. He couldn't remember anything, so why not join Jack?

But now, with all these memories, his heart began to ache. He had missed them so much. 

(Y/N) was so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed Chris and Ashley staring at him. "(Y/N)...?" Ashley whispered, eyes wide.

"No way..." Chris mumbled, his face a mixture of confusion and grief. "You're... You're..."

"Dead?" (Y/N) replied, a faint chuckle escaping his lips. The two nodded. They looked like they had seen a ghost. "Not quite. It's hard to explain..."

"We have time now," Sam said. The group of friends stood in front of (Y/N), like children ready for story time. 

"Yeah. I think you owe us an explanation," Mike spoke up, crossing his arms. His emotions were all over the place. This night for him, and everyone, didn't make any sense.

(Y/N) sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Alright... Do you guys remember the night I disappeared?"

There was a moment of silence as the friends glanced at each other. "Yes... Hannah and Beth went missing, too," Chris told him. Guilt was written on his face.

"Yup. Apparently, a wendi-" (Y/N) paused, realizing they wouldn't know what he was talking about. "Something was chasing us. We ran, and unfortunately we fell off a cliff."

"Jesus..." Mike muttered.

"Hannah and Beth... They fell further than I did. Deep into the mines. They died by impact," (Y/N) explained, a sympathetic look on his face.

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