Chapter Fifteen

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The four arrived at the lodge. "You guys wait out here. I'll be right back," (Y/N) told them. He squeezed Josh's hand and went to leave, but Josh held on.

"I'll go with you." Josh offered.

Its not like they were doing anything dangerous. Plus, Matt seemed to be taking good care of Jessica. (Y/N) had given him some medical supplies to stop her bleeding. Matt could see (Y/N) pondering and spoke up. "I've got her. Go ahead."

(Y/N) paused, still a little unsure. It wasn't best for everyone to split up again. But, they would only be going inside the lodge then right out. "Okay, come on," (Y/N) agreed. Matt smiled a little. He still couldn't really believe what was happening.

Once inside, the two looked around. The place was eerily quiet. They walked, slowly, taking in the view of the lodge. Josh had been here more times than he could count. Good memories. Bad memories, too. But he could reflect on those another time. (Y/N) tugged on his hand, guiding him up the stairs to Hannah's room.

(Y/N) knocked on the door. "It's me." Thinking for a second that they might not recognize his voice after so long apart, he spoke up again. "It's (Y/N). I know I said not to open, but you guys need to leave. I've got everyone. They're safe and waiting outside."

Silence. "You told us not to open!" Sam shouts. If he were a Wendigo, Sam would've just got them killed. One should always remain quiet, not letting the creature know where you are. Oh, well.

"I know, but now you're safe. Come on!" (Y/N) begs them. I should've make a secret knock... He thinks to himself, a slight smile on his face.

"We've got Matt and Jessica outside!" Josh adds, hoping his voice would convince them. And also the fact that Jessica was actually alive.

The door opens slightly. Mike peeks his head out of the door. "Jessica?" He asks. He looks around, seeing if there is anything to be cautious about. "She's alive?"

(Y/N) nods. "She's injured, but she'll live as long as we get out of here."

Mike smiled, opening the door for the rest of the friends to exit. 

"(Y/N)! What happened to your face?" Ashley asks, seeing the scratch from earlier. The pain was dull, but honestly he should have put a bandage on, at the least. He was just too worried about anyone else to take care of himself.

(Y/N) shrugs. "It's from those creatures. I killed one. Saving Matt and Jessica." It wasn't a big deal to him, but he could understand how the friends might be concerned.

"And what about that?" Sam asks, pointing at (Y/N) and Josh's hands. 

"Oh!" (Y/N) nearly gasps, trying to pull his hand away. Josh keeps his grip and the two remain holding hands. (Y/N) blushes, stopping his efforts to separate. "Let's just... Let's just go," He says, too embarrassed to explain.

"Whatever you say..." Sam winks, a sly tone in her voice. Josh chuckles as (Y/N) rolls his eyes.

The friends head down the stairs. They all talk, quietly, about how happy they are to finally leave this place. (Y/N) sees Jack standing in the lodge, looking around. He hears the friends and looks at them. "(Y/N)! Good job, son."

(Y/N) smiles. "Thank you." He turns towards his friends. "They're all safe. Matt and Jessica are outside."

Emily grins. "Oh thank God! We're getting out of here!"

"(Y/N), what happened to your face?" Jack asks, concern lacing his words.

"Ah... I got attacked while looking for Matt. But its okay," The boy answers.

Connection - Josh Washington x M!Reader [Until Dawn]Where stories live. Discover now