Chapter One

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The man didn't know why he didn't return the boy back to the lodge. At the time, it slipped his mind. But he thought about it, and wanted to, but the police were there, and surely would suspect the man of killing the two girls.

In the big room of the Sanatorium, (Y/N) was in a coma on the couch. It had been about two weeks since the incident and he still hadn't woken up. He was alive, though, and the man had been caring for him. It wasn't easy, but for some reason, he really didn't want the boy to die.

The man opened the chest and threw a couple of bones across the room. The two wolves ran towards them. One had dark, matted fur, while the other had white, soft fur. The wolf with white fur recently joined, which explained why his fur wasn't messed up.

The man heard a groan, and looked to (Y/N). He was slowly sitting up, resting his back against the arm of the couch. He put a hand up to his forehead, and grunted in pain. He looked sick, since he wasn't kept in an actual hospital, but he still woke up. 

The man took the water that he had been drinking and offered it to (Y/N). "Here, take this." He said, which startled (Y/N). His eyes darted back and forth across the room, scanning the location. His sights stopped on the man. 

"Who are you?" (Y/N) asked, his throat scratchy. His mouth was dry, so he took the water from the older man and drank it down in one gulp. He handed the glass back to the man, who sat on the opposite side of the couch.

"I'm the one who saved your life. You fell off a cliff and hit your head. Speaking of which, do you remember anything?" The old man asked, forgetting that he was supposed to ask this. He had no idea if (Y/N) remembered his old life, since he had hit his head so hard.

"No... I can't..." (Y/N) looked up at the old man. The man noticed how blank the boy's eyes were. They had lost all sparkle, all life, and left just a hollow soul. That is how the man pictured he looked like, after loosing everyone he had cared about.

"Your name is (Y/N) (L/N). You were running from a Wendigo with two sisters, who were your friends, and fell off a cliff. I'm afraid the two girls didn't make it, though. They fell into a deeper pit, and probably died by impact." The older man said. The boy didn't respond, his mouth agape as he processed what he had just been told.

"A Wendigo?" The boy asked, the confusion clear on his face. The older man wasn't surprised he didn't know, in fact, he was glad.

"Come with me." The man said, and (Y/N) stood up along with him, and followed him. They stepped over broken glass, dead rats, and broken pieces of the building as they made their way down the Sanatorium. There was a lot of dried blood all over the place.

Soon, they reached the cages. "Woah..." (Y/N) said, staring at the ugly creatures locked away. Their faces were almost human, but not quite. They had pale blue eyes, and sickly skin. Their nails were long, and sharp, and most had blood on their hands. Their teeth were sharp and deadly, and they were tall.

"This, dear boy, is a Wendigo. I hunt them down, cage 'em up." The older man explained, careful not to get too close to the cages. The creatures could still kill them if they wanted to, so they had to make sure not to get in their reach.

"Why don't you kill them?" (Y/N) asked, looking away from the Wendigos. They were disgusting, and hard to look at. It made the boy want to throw up, but he didn't, and kept his eyes on the floor.

"Because, their soul will be released. If someone else resorts to cannibalism, then they will turn into a Wendigo. I can't risk it." He explained, and guided (Y/N) out of there. He lead him to his weapon supply point, which contained flamethrowers, homemade bombs, and gas.

"I have an offer for you. You want to help the people who come to this mountain, right? You don't want a single one to get hurt, right?" The older man asked, causing a confused look from (Y/N). "Right?" He questioned again.

"Well, I-I mean, yeah, of course I don't want anybody to get hurt." (Y/N) replied, biting his lip as he gazed at all the stuff in the room. This man was serious, and he knew he would be killed if he ticked the older man off.

"So, why don't you join me?" The older man asked, taking a flamethrower. He began to pour gas into a slot in the gun, which would fuel the fire. The man waited for (Y/N) to answer.

"Join you with what?" He asked, even though he already knew. The older man wanted (Y/N) to help him capture the Wendigos, so they would all be safe in the mountain.

"Capturing these creatures. Saving people." The older man turned to the younger one, and held out the weapon. "We will start training right away. You will be able to protect yourself, and everyone around you. What do you say?"

(Y/N) wanted to say no, but he didn't know anything else. He didn't know about his old life. He only knew his two friends died, and assumed they were his only friends. "Fine. I'll help you." (Y/N) agreed, and took the weapon from the old man.

The man smiled, and let out a laugh. "Good! Let's go!" He replied, patting the boys shoulder and jogging out of the building. "It will be dangerous, but fun." The older man told him, but (Y/N) just shrugged, and followed behind him.

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