Chapter Five

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"Josh?" (Y/N) said. But... it wasn't Josh.

It had his clothes. It had guts spilling out, blood pouring without stop. But there was no head. It wasn't even real. As the boy got closer to the body, he saw. There was straw and stuffing. This was a doll. It was so realistic. But it wasn't.

There was a hole in the wood. There was handcuffs on each side, but only one had a hole. (Y/N) walked around to the other side and put his head through it. His face and neck fit snugly, and he knew it looked as though his head was attached to the body.

He stepped down and saw a tape recorder. He pressed play and listened. It was a man's voice, or a woman's, he couldn't tell. The voice was scrambled on purpose. "Hello, and thank you all for joining me." He continued to listen until something caught his attention. "Which one will live and which one will die."

So, whoever was controlling the lever had to choose which person to save. When (Y/N) had saw the pictures, the lever was pointing at Ashley. Chris had chosen to save Ashley, and killed Josh.

But Josh wasn't dead. Neither was Ashley. Something was weird. Something was wrong.  Nothing was making sense. Fake blood, fake bodies, fake death? Whatever what going on, it was serious.

The lodge. (Y/N) had to get back! Who knows what was going on there. Matt and Emily had to be back by now, and Sam had been by herself. The boy headed outside. It was starting to snow harder, making it hard to see outside.

He knew the way to the lodge. He knew his way everywhere in this forest. He didn't even need to see to know where things were. He put his arm in front of his face to prevent snow from sticking to his skin and walked. He tried thinking about what was happening - fake bodies, fake blood - but nothing made sense.

He saw the lodge in his view. The front door was open and snow from footprints were left inside. He followed them. Once inside, there were three pairs of footprints, but no people. One was snow that faded once it reached the stairs. The other was water droplets that led down the stairs. Sam?

(Y/N) didn't think; he followed what he assumed were Sam's footsteps. They led into what looked like a theater. There was a busted case on the ground, dirt and the plant littered the ground.

The screen was playing a video of Sam in the bath. Something had caught her attention and she looked worried. It was harder now to see the footprints but he could make them out enough. He needed to find her.

Those led into another room. A bed sat in the middle of the room. There were two footprints now. One was covered in dirt, the other was Sam's. Sam jumped over the bed-almost- while the other tried pushing the bed, it was crooked. It seemed to be hit by something, as there was just enough space at the end of the bed to walk. The person had to be carrying something.

He walked through the path and continued walking. The footsteps were disappearing; this was bad. He went down some stairs into the basement. There was a baseball bat on the floor, a small dent in it. Something or someone had been hit with this. This was bad.

A scream echoed through the basement. It wasn't really a scream, more like cursing and crying. "Sam!?" (Y/N) called out, starting to run. He reached a hallway where he saw two people. One was Sam, wrapped in a bath towel. The other was a man with a mask and long, black hair. He wore overalls and held a canister. (Y/N) assumed it was filled with either poison or sleeping gas.

He couldn't let them see his face. He put his goggles on, along with his hood and mask. All they could see was a bit of skin on his face, nothing revealed anything. "Sam?" (Y/N) said. He knew he wasn't supposed to do this. They weren't supposed to see him. But this was different. There was a fucking psycho chasing her. Plus, with the bandana it make it hard to understand the words so they wouldn't know it was him.

The pair looked to him. The man froze, and Sam stared with wide eyes. When she saw the psycho freeze, she quickly grabbed a doorknob and put it in the door and went through it, slamming the door shut.

The psycho turned to the boy. "Who are you?" He asked, his voice still sounding like the recording.

"Does it matter? All you need to know if I'm here to protect my friends." He responded, his hand on his hip. His fingers brushed his machete, ready in case the man tried to hurt him.

"Your friends?" The psycho took a step closer. He was a few inches taller than (Y/N). It was kind of intimidating, but the boy had faced much worse. A lot worse, actually. "Who are you? Chris? Matt? Mike?"

The boy shook his head. "No. I'm-" He paused. He can't tell this man. He doesn't know who he is. "Sam has probably escaped by now. Guess you failed, huh?" The boy stepped closer. They were only a foot or so away. His heart was pounding. Any wrong move and this could end badly.

"You remind me of someone." The psycho said, curiosity in his voice. He looked the boy up and down, noticing the various weapons. But he wasn't focusing on that. He was focusing on him. His body, his height. The way he stood, the way he talked. Something, something reminded the psycho of his past. Of something he had lost.

"I... feel the same way about you." (Y/N) had a feeling he knew this man. Behind the graveled voice and terrifying mask was something familiar. This man was important to the boy's past. Perhaps he knew (Y/N), maybe he could help him remember what he had lost.

The psycho cocked his head and walked past the boy. He stopped after a few feet, and the two faced each other.

"(Y/N)," The psycho gasped, remembering his lost love.

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