Chapter Two

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Sam arrived at the mountain. She quickly got off the bus, politely saying 'thank you' to the driver. The bus drove off, the smoke wafting into the air. Sam looked up at the sign that stated the name of the mountain, and began walking. The older man saw her, and clenched his fists in anger. He knew the friends had returned, and he would have to save them. He followed her from a far distance. Enough so he could see her, but not enough that she could see him.

The snow was falling heavily, coating the once nice green grass with a layer of soft, white snow. The snow hardened into ice at a few parts, and Sam had to watch her step. Sam was freezing. She hugged herself, and continued to walk quickly. When she stopped to feed the squirrel, the man brought out his phone, and called (Y/N).

"Hello?" The boy replied, in a whisper. The older man heard footsteps, two sets. One was slow, and quiet, and the other was quick, but still light. He knew (Y/N) was following a Wendigo, and was surprised the boy had brought out the phone. 

"Listen, there is a bunch of people coming up here. To the lodge. I want you to protect them." The older man whispered back, and watched as Sam climbed over the wall, and continued walking. The man did the same, but a moment after Sam did, so she couldn't see him. He did it without all the grunting, which Sam had did a lot of. She was fairly fit, though, and he wondered why she made any noises.

"But what about the Wendigo? How will I have time to bring him back?" (Y/N) asked, and his footsteps stopped. His breath was slow and steady, so the man knew the Wendigo had heard him. He stopped breathing, and held his breath, a trick the older man had showed him. He was glad he had become such a great hunter.

"Just kill him." The man responded, and saw Sam close the bag that someone else had left. Chris greeted her with a smile, and the man saw her jump, not noticing how close he was. Chris took his backpack and put it on, and the two headed back to the shooting range. He hid himself in a bush, watching the two.

"Okay." (Y/N) responded, and he heard the flame ignite, and a loud scream, which belonged to the Wendigo. The man covered up his speaker, so the two kids wouldn't hear, and when it was finished, he listened in again. "Cutting him up now." Slashing could be heard, along with a deep breath. "Done. The lodge, right?"

"Yes. But don't just go in there. Just check up on them. I don't want to scare them." The man responded, pulling the bandanna over his mouth, and his goggles over his eyes. The goggles protected him from the heat of the flame, and from the snow getting in his face. (Y/N) had the same stuff, with the same goggles and a red bandanna.

"Got it. Heading over there now." The boy responded, and hung up. The man stuffed his phone into the pocket of his jacket. He saw Sam and Chris open the door and wait for the cable car. The man took some bobby pins and waited for the cable car to arrive. When it did, the two got on, and the man unlocked the door. He stood, and waited for the next cable car.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was jogging towards the lodge. As he got closer, he could see the scope, and steered clear of it's sight. On his way, he crossed the bridge by the ledge. He saw a phone, covered by the snow, and figured it was one of the lodge members. He held it in his hand, and jogged over to the lodge. He got close to the lodge, and looked for the people. Soon enough, he could see a girl and a boy, the girl looking through the scope, and the boy apologizing. The two stopped talking after a while, and walked towards the main door.

(Y/N) quickly ran past them, but in the bushes, so they couldn't see. He tossed the phone in front of the stairs, and ducked back into the bushes. He moved the leaves so he could see, and wait for the two. Soon, the two arrived, and saw the phone.

Ashley and Matt were stunned. Matt picked up the phone, looking to see who it could belong to. He looked at it, and saw it cracked, with a black case. It was frozen, the ice and snow making it useless. It had been there a long time, except for the toss a moment ago.

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