Chapter Three

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Josh and Sam went down into the basement to turn on the water. Ashley and Chris searched for the Ouija Board. Chris wondered alone, and told Ashley to stay up, because she was scared. He didn't want her to be scared. He wanted to protect her, so he let her stay by the fire to warm up.

Chris found a monk outfit, and put it on. He heard Sam and Josh talking, and decided to scare them. It worked, as he started banging on the wall, and heard their reactions. Sam went by herself to check out the noise, and Chris jumped out, causing Sam to scream. Josh and Sam ran to the door, which was locked, causing them both to panic.

(Y/N) didn't hear that, but he moved into a different cabinet, giving him a clear view of the living room. Ashley stood there, rubbing her hands together, trying to get warm. She muttered to herself how creepy the place was, and how she wanted to go back home. (Y/N) figured it was because of what happened to the twins last year.

He tried to remember her. He could see glimpses of his past. He saw her laugh, her hand covering her mouth because she was insecure about her laugh. He could see her blush when she looked at Chris. He saw the tears, which made his heart ache. But he still couldn't see her.

The friends came back up, and decided to use the Ouija Board. Sam backed out, claiming she had been through enough for one night. (Y/N) watched as she walked up the stairs. He wouldn't have to worry about her, since she was upstairs.

The rest of the group went into a different room. The lodge was huge, but both the older man and the boy had been in it, scoping it out incase a situation like this ever occurred. He knew all the exits and entrances. (Y/N) slowly exited the cabinet, closing it softly. His breaths were short and soft, so the friends couldn't hear him. It was hard. His heart and chest were pounding and he had to force himself to stay quiet.

He crept up the stairs, and while they were setting things up, he quickly ducked and ran behind a wall. Here, they couldn't see him. (Y/N) couldn't see them either, but he would be able to hear them. He heard the group sit down, complain about Chris not being serious, and letting Ashley begin.

Ashley had asked if anyone was there, and (Y/N) heard the shocked gasps of the teens. He guessed the pointer had moved, since the three asked who it was.


"Quit moving! Let me do your hair!" Hannah groaned, rolling her sleeves to her shoulders. She grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and forced him to sit down.

(Y/N) rolled his eyes as he looked upon his friend. Her glasses were new. They looked pretty on her. "I don't have to do my hair." He huffed.

Hannah turned to grab a brush. (Y/N) looked at her arm. What was that? "Well, you want to look cute for Josh, right?" She teased, chuckling. She followed her friend's gaze to her arm.

"Is that a tattoo?" He asked in shock. When had she gotten that? It was a butterfly. Beautiful, with vibrant wings. But still, it was a tattoo! "Your mom is gonna kill you." He grinned.

"Oh, bite me. I'm an adult, (Y/N)." She smiled softly at him. She wished she could tell him that Josh had a crush on him. But, her brother had to do it himself. "Now, come on. You want to look nice for Josh?"

A blush came to the boy's cheeks. He looked down, flustered, and mumbled, "yes."

(Y/N) gasped, heart racing as tears welled up in his eyes. He put his hands on his mouth, trying to stay quiet. Hannah. It was Hannah!

He tried to remember her for so long. To remember her face, her voice, her soul. It was always empty. Her name was nothing but hollow. But now, it was full of life. Hannah loved him and he forgotten that he loved her. They were best friends. They were like family. How could he gave forgotten his friend? Josh, Hannah, and... Who else?

A shout snapped (Y/N) back to this reality. In the world where Hannah was gone and he could never have her back. His heart now ached, but he was calm.

(Y/N) went to look behind the wall at the group of friends, but he saw Josh stomping down the stairs, cursing at his friends as tears ran down his face. (Y/N) instinctively reached his hand out, but quickly retracted it and tried to blend in with the wall by squishing himself against it. It worked, as Josh went up the stairs. A door slam promptly followed.

The boy peered behind the wall once more, seeing Chris and Ashley scared. The boy had been trained to listen, to hear what others could not. He could hear their hearts beating erratically. Fear gripped them tightly and refused to let go. The two went in search of more clues to Hannah's death.

(Y/N) wanted to follow them. But right now, his heart was focused on Josh. Something in there went wrong. Perhaps Hannah hadn't been talking to them. That was impossible, right? Maybe his friends pranked him. (Y/N) frowned, and headed quietly up the stairs.

Dear god, did they have to creak so loud? It sounded like everyone knew where he was. He hated feeling so open, so exposed. It wasn't safe. It felt strange to just walk around a place like this. He was used to the forest, the cold of the sanitorium, the quietness of the mines. His old life seemed so foreign to him now.

He made it to Josh's room. He knocked, biting his lip. What was he gonna say? What there anything to say? No response came. (Y/N) tried the doorknob, hoping the door would open. What does he say?

"Josh?" He said, nervous. Did he even sound the same? Would Josh recognize him? "It's me, (Y/N)." No answer. "Josh?" The boy was worried. Where was Josh? 

(Y/N) grabbed a lock picking kit from his bag. He used it on the lock, it barely taking any time. Being slow gets one killed. The boy had to learn to be fast. He opened the door, fingers trembling. "Josh?"

He pocketed his tools as he stepped inside. His room was large. But he wasn't in it. The boy tilted his head in confusion. Where... was he? Maybe-

Chris was screaming. He yelled Ashley's name. (Y/N) heard banging, loud, quick. Then one final thud and silence. The boy took his walkie talkie out.

"You see any wendigos near here?" He asked, still searching the room for Josh. Where was he?

After a moment of silence, a reply came. "No. All clear."

(Y/N) decided to check why Chris was screaming. It came from downstairs, the kitchen. The boy's hearing was incredible. It freaked him out sometimes.

He made he way there. When he reached the doors he stopped and looked in. No one. Pure silence. He stepped inside, almost slipping on water.

It wasn't water. He looked down, and saw that he was standing in a puddle of blood.

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