Dr Love

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I watched them sit at the end of the couch away from each other trying to put much distance between themselves and smiled.
Taking my seat opposite them, I looked at them expecting one to say something.

"Goodafternoon, I'm Dr Love, your Therapist and you're the Alfreds I assume" I said.

" Just call me Jon since we'll be seeing you for sometime and I mean you're going to know about our private relationship, I don't think there's a need to stress yourself over names"The white haired one said smiling. He was very handsome and had a beautiful mole on his left cheek.

" Seriously? You're a married man, Isn't it rude and unprofessional to be called Jon not even Jonathan.. we are here for counselling not a divorce meeting"The other one looked at him.
Black hair, big black eyes and you can't ignore that bushy eyebrows.

" If she don't call me Jon then I'm leaving, I agreed to this counselling as far as you don't try to control me in here"Jon rolled his eyes.

" I'm controlling you now, oh.. you are calling me a toxic controlling husband? Fine,call me Gabriel if you're gonna be comfortable with first name base"He said.

" I never called you anything, you're doing fine on your own, Now can we let the good doctor start the session or we gonna listen to you bag all day like you have pregnancy hormones or something"Jon said.

" What? Pregnancy hormones, if anyone should be getting pregnant. That would be you"Gabriel smirked.

With the way, Jon's face changed  I knew he wouldn't take it funny.
" That's absolutely degrading and homophobic"he glared at his husband.

" Where's the lie there? "Gabriel said.

" Mr Jon Alfred and .... "I began to talk.

" Call me Jon or I'm out of here"Jon looked at me and I shifted in my seat.

"I'm sorry .. Jon"I looked at his husband who sighed displeased.

"Good" Jon smiled.

"I'm doctor Love and my Therapy is strictly for LGBT family and everything we say to each other never leaves this room and when you feel that you want to call in a day,We totally will" I said.

"That's good with me" Jon replied.

"This is not a war zone,it's a place where you get to talk about your feelings,it's a what a couple conversation therapy should be not the other bad one and we are gonna be talking about your issues turn by turn"I smiled.

" Can I go first?I have a lot of things to say to him"Jon said.

" I should go first since I signed us up"Gabriel argued.

" Well,I came in first"Jon replied.

" I believe we all have a lot of time to express ourselves...you've been married for a year and seven months?"I looked at them.

" Yes,we started living together seven months ago when Jon decided it was time to leave volunteering and come back home"Gabriel said.

" You told me I can do whatever I wanted"Jon shouted.

" How long have you known each other?"I asked.

" Three years,we started dating in 2019  online,met each other 2020 and got married 2021,August should be 2years marriage anniversary but I doubt he remembers all of this when he don't even remember my birthday"jon answered.

" I do,I remember your birthday but I just...I'm just too busy to take you out or.."Gabriel said.

" At least that's one thing you actually agree to"Jon smiled.

"okay, we'll play it by the coin rule,choose a side"I said.

" The head"Jon shouted out and Gabriel shrugged.

I flipped the coin and opened my hand.
" tail" I smiled.

"What's so funny?" Jon glared at me.

"Common Jon, She's just as excited as we are,she's happy for us" Gabriel smiled.

"Just get on with it" Jon rolled his eyes sitting back.

"Okay,let's start Mr Gabriel" I said opening my note pad.

" My husband have OCD,obsessive compulsive disorder but he would never accept that fact" Gabriel said.

"I don't have OCD,I am a perfectionist,I mean that's expected as a surgeon,I can make mistakes because it might cost a life"Jon explained.

"I have an example out of many" Gabriel said.

"Let's hear it if that okay with Jon" I smiled.

"It's okay,we are here to talk, everything is fine" Jon nodded.

"Last week.....

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