Dr Love

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"you are  making massive improvement, so you can come in two times a week, Tuesdays and Fridays" I smiled at them.

"I'm gonna pick my friend from the airport on Friday, can we do it on Thursday instead" Jon said.

"Yes but I can only have you for three hours"I nodded.

" Are you going to somewhere with your wife on Thursday? "Jon asked.

" So the penthouse, Is that where you'll be living when you finally start having kids? "I asked evading his question.

" Yes"Gabriel said.

" Fuck no, my kids will grow up in a beautiful house with white fence and enough field and a swing at the backyard"Jon smiled at me.

" I'm not fucking living in the house your father bought for you"Gabriel said.

" He didn't buy it for me,it's our wedding gift, I'm his last son and he gifted us this house for our comfort, the only time I can take it is if I want a divorce"Jon replied.

" Since we are talking about that.. Doctor Love, can you ask my husband why his parents never fail to brag about how wealthy they are and how I don't deserve their kid"Gabriel looked at his husband.

" That's what every family does, they do that to make you treat me better"Jon rolled his eyes.

" I've never given them doubt.. I think I love you more than you actually love me"Gabriel said.

" No, I love you more"Jon argued.

" I actually do because. Doing everything to make you comfortable, I fucking pay for a penthouse that I don't need to prove to your parents that I am worth it, I love dogs but I don't train them because you are allergic to furs"Gabriel said.

" Are you freaking counting the sacrifice you make? I didn't beg for the penthouse.. you did all that on your own, I would love in a dump just to be with you, I left my home, my country, friends.. people I've known all my life just to be with you, I can't believe you said this"Jon stood up really angry now.

" Can we talk about this Mr Jonathan? "I asked.

" You don't fucking call me that, you sit down here and watch my husband complain about things he did for me which is absolutely nothing compared to things I did for him.. fuck you and fuck him too,lease the penthouse, train and marry your dogs.. I'm done"Jon walked out slamming the door.

" Let him be, I'll talk to him"I smiled at Gabriel following Jon out of the house.

I found him sitting in the waiting area. He looked away when I sat down.
"I hurt him with my words didn't I?"
He asked.

" No but he's scared that you're serious"I smiled holding his hands.

"is your wife rich? Are you from a rich home?" He asked.

" My fathers own a clinic at Chicago, and my wife's family ran a food Mart, it's a middle class family and trust me I. Love there are sacrifices you have to make and I swear it worth it"I said.

" I don't think I'll ever regret getting married to him and leaving my family, he's my life"he smiled.

" I can see he loves you too, the way he gives in to you and the smirk on his face whenever you curse, his body language. When you walked in earlier you nearly tripped over my legs but he held you back, you didn't even notice"I said.

" I'm gonna talk to him now"Jon stood up.
" I'll give you ten minutes... It's actually 20"I waved at him watching him disappear down the corridor.

I was jealous of what they had but I feel happy whenever they make up a d settle their differences.
" Doctor Isa, will you take in one more patient? "The nurse approached me.

" No Nora, I'll go home today and come in early tomorrow.. schedule it for 6:30am"I smiled.

I wanted to go home to my wife and kids too.

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