Dr Love

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"why would anyone destroy his years of hardwork for just fifteen minutes of pleasure? My husband threw files, documents and even his tablet on the floor.. thank God the tablet didn't break or something"Jon rolled his eyes.

" He don't even get it, he's totally clueless about this kind of stuffs, I can't even explore our sex life because he wants every thing to be perfect before sex, even our bed and pillow must be arranged before we lie on it"Gabriel shook his head.

" Did you know about this before you got married? "I asked.

"I think I was blinded by love that I over looked this, on our wedding day, while walking in, he actually went back to arrange a flower that wasn't in synch"Gabriel answered.

" Are you saying you no longer love me? "Jon asked.

" God knows I love you, I will love you tomorrow and forever but baby, we are 24,we have a whole life ahead and we need to explore of lives before involving babies"Gabriel said holding his hand.

" Jon, how was your relationship with your parents? Growing up, grades and you said you are a surgeon.. why did you become one? "I asked.

"My great grandmother owns a hospital back in my own country and everyone in my family is a Doctor so of course, I have to be one"He said.

"Mr Jon, you have OCPD, obsessive compulsive personality disorder , and it usually originates from anxiety, you are scared of being criticism and disapproval so everything must be in order and perfect"I smiled.

" That's what you get from parents who would never accept a dumb person as their kids, We had to get perfect grades, dress perfectly and be a genius"Jon said.
" Can it be cured? "Gabriel asked.

" While it can't be cured, it can be helped, Jon.. it is okay to make mistakes everybody does.. I'll refer you to doctor Rhys.. An hour a day.."I smiled.

" Thank you doctor Love"Jon smiled.

" Gabriel, you must never criticize him instead you can assure him he did his best and praise his efforts, being perfect is a myth that's why we have erasers, hold his hand and tell him he did his best"I said.

" Thank you doctor"Gabriel said.

" Remember, we can all always make mistakes.. perfect is a myth.. now you two can set goals, set experiments.. I promise you'll do better"I smiled.

" So, can we go home now? We got that solved"Gabriel said.

" It's not solved, you two took a month vacation from work to save your marriage and you just got started, it's Jon's turn"I said.

" Baby, why are you quiet? "Gabriel asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how annoying it was, I'm really sorry, if I had paid attention to that, you wouldn't have to live with this now"Jon looked at his husband who took him into his arms immediately.

" Let's take ten minutes break"I said and walked out of the office.

20 minutes later
I walked into the office, the couple that was avoiding body contact when they came in was sitting almost on each other with their arms around each other. I smiled at the sight.
"Doctor, you told us 10 minutes, we thought you gave up on us" Jon smiled.

"And we've decided to give it out best, I didn't know this would be so helpful" Gabriel said.

"So, Jon it's your turn" I said sitting down.

"My husband doesn't trust me, he think I'm into any man that smiles at me"Jon said.

" Dr, my husband just doesn't know when a man is into him, I've been there.. I kept dropping hints that I liked him for two months before I told him but he didn't even get it, he took them all as jokes"Gabriel said.

" You suffocate me, you don't even give me breathing space, you follow me to every event and embarrass me when I try to make friends,"Jon shouted.

" Shall we get an example in here please? "I asked jumping when when they physically separated from each other

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