Dr Love

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I watched Gabriel walk towards me with a tipped bow tie.

"I can't believe you guys actually arrived late just as you threatened" I helped him fix the tie.

"Where's jon? 'i asked.
" He refused to come with me because I refused to wear a red bow tie, I'm wearing a blue shoe and white suit.. what does red have to do with my outfit.. fuck.. his parents are coming this way"Gabriel said.

" Gabriel"Meredith called.
I met them at the wedding ceremony earlier today.

"I thought you wouldn't make it,where's Jon? shouldn't he at least come to his best friend's wedding reception"Mr Roman searched for his son with his eyes.

" He had a little wardrobe malfunction, he'll be here soon"Gabriel said looking like he wanted to run away.
" And you didn't wait for him?is that how you treat him there?I told you to move to England with him so that we can take care of him better"Meredith rolled her eyes.

" Hi mom ,Dad"Jon hugged them from behind.

"oh my baby boy..you look so thin nowadays,do you eat at all?"Meredith kissed her son smiling

" Mother dearest,I'm.always thin in your eyes"Jon laughed hugging the petite woman again.

" Why are you not wearing a suit,seriously blazers?"Roman asked.

" Please tell me that I'm sitting far away from them"Gabriel whispered.

" I don't know about that, Nadia would know better"I laughed.

" He wore the blazers to spite me"Gabriel said.

" All the guests are invited inside as the wedding reception of Isadora Valdes and Nadia Hassan kicks off in tem minutes..make your way inside while the waiters help you to your seat..thank you"the announcement came in.

" I don't care about arrangements,I just wanna sit with my son of that's okay with you Gabriel"Roman looked at him.

" Uh..no problem sir .I'm just gonna held Isadora with things around here"Gabriel smiled.

"Hi"Nadia came out from the wedding hall.
I hugged her.
" Baby"Jon hugged her tightly.

" I can't believe I'm having my period on my wedding day..oh hi Meredith,Roman"Nadia kissed their cheeks.

" Son,let's go"Meredith smiled even though it looked forced.

" Mom,I'll sit with my husband but I promise to stay with you tomorrow,all day no interruptions"Jon smiled.

" Please Meredith,I wanna have Jon at my table"Nadia pouted.

" Okay..let's go inside there"Meredith said following her husband inside.

" Thank you"Gabriel whispered.

" You're welcome"Nadia smiled.

" I wore blue blazer to match your bow tie smart right?"Jon smiled at her husband.

"Lets  just go inside" Gabriel rolled his eyes.
They linked their hands leaving us .

"So,are you ready for our guest?" I asked.

"Not really,I was looking forward to tonight but my stupid period disagree with me" Nadia pouted.

"Does it matter?we have a life time ahead..I love you so much" I smiled.

"I love you too'Nadia kissed me.

" Oh my baby..I still  can't believe this is real but it fucking is"My dad came out hugging me.

" If you waste time,they're gonna think you guys eloped without having the reception"my papa said from the door.

" A minute..thank you Nadia..."Dad hugged Nadia.

" Let's move people"papa Called impatiently.

His husband went to him while I held my wife following them into the hall.

While helping Jon and Gabriel  get their love back,I got mine.

The end

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