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"what do you mean by children? I just started my career and I'm just gonna end it, we haven't even enjoyed our marriage, are you on some cheap drugs?" Jon asked.

"I'm ready, I can take Three months off" I said.

"I can't, And I'm not gonna be the bad father leaving you take care of our kids alone" he replied.

"Well, I'm not complaining" I smiled.
"Dr Love, I met my husband online, After two years of dating, I moved to Las Vegas  and three weeks after our  wedding, I was called for volunteer which made me move to Saudi Arabia for a year... I've only lived with my husband for eight months ... How long have we enjoyed our marriage? "Jon explained.

" We can always enjoy our marriage even with kids, Mrs Mabel is there to help, my parents and We can hire more hands if we need them"I said.

" We are 24 for crying out loud, we are young, we are gonna live a long life, let's talk about kids after sorting ourselves out"He replied.

" I love that sentence there, Sorting yourselves out, Gabriel have you thought about the things that come with kids? You'll give up at least 3 months of sex because the first three months is when they need your attention, late night lullaby, when they're sick unless you're talking about older kids"Dr Love said.

" No, we always have someone willing to be a surrogate and she wants a part in their life too"I said.

" I don't think a baby is what you need right now, Enjoy your marital life first, you had long distance relationship and you just started living together"Dr Love smiled.

" What if she changes her mind? "I asked.

" There are lots of other people who will be willing to carry your babies I promise.. when the time comes"Dr Love said.

"I guess we can wait  two more years"I shrugged.

"Okay, we are done for the day, my wife have dinner waiting"Dr Love smiled.

" Thank you Dr, We'll see you on Friday? "I asked.

" Yes, you can use the next two days to enjoy your quiet time"Dr smiled.

" Yes, thank you"Jon replied and we walked out of the Hospital.

" I want to be friends with her but it looks like she drew an invisible line with us"Jon said.

" If she doesn't wanna be friends with you that's her loss, Nadia is coming over next week? "I asked.

" Yeah, let's just have dinner at your Italian restaurant and go home"He smiled.

I took him to the restaurant and  after eating, we walked around in the park before deciding to go home.

"Home sweet home" I muttered as we parked in the driving lot at the penthouse.

"Dr Love?" Jon called.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I live here" she said entering the elevator with us.
"That's wonderful, what a small world, do you want to come over with your wife for maybe a couple date" Jon smiled.

" I doubt she'll want to"Dr Love said.

" Or we can shower and come to yours"I smiled.

" We are not friends, let's not cross that professional line, have a nice day"Dr Love said and got off the elevator.

" What the fuck was that? "Jon looked at me.

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