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I walked into the house looking at the sexy picture Jon sent me earlier, He was wearing one of my red shirts that barely covered his thighs and the undone buttons told me he was naked under that shirt when I looked up he was standing on the top of the stairs smiling and saving his phone.

I haven't seen him since three days he pulled an all nighter at the hospital.

"Someone's home early? Missed something?" He asked licking his lips seductively.

"Fuck" I threw my briefcase on the floor and hurried upstairs grabbing him into my arms crushing his smaller body to feel every fiber of his body against mine, we smashes our lips together and when my hands grabbed his ass to push him against my crotch, his naked bouncy butt confirmed my suspicion that he was naked under my red shirt.

I opened the door behind him kissing him as we moved backwards.

"Baby.. this is your office" He whispered.

"Unless you want us to do it on the stairs or corridor where Mrs Mabel can walk into us at anytime, this is the nearest room" I smiled.
"But there's no bed" he said.

"Who needs a bed?" I asked pushing my books and files on the floor and carrying him on top of the table.

"What if the table breaks? Let's do it on the cushion instead" He smiled.
"Anything for my baby" I carried him as we returned to kissing and I tore the shirt pulling it off him to kiss his pale creamy shoulders.

"Uh.. uh.. stop .. stop Gab, Stop" He pushed me off him standing up.

"What if it baby?Did I do something?" I   asked.

" No.. no. Yes, why did you throw your briefcase on the floor downstairs, you should have placed it somewhere and your table, why did you throw the books on the floor, what if you lose an important document or something"He asked walking to my table and started picking the books.
" Seriously? Right now? I haven't seen my husband in three days or touched him in a week and you're more interested about the damn table? "I asked.

" We would've have done it in the bedroom"He said not looking at me.

I went to him hugging him.

"Baby, we can do this after we've tamed the little man you woke up mmm? How about I clean it and everywhere you want me to" I whispered biting his ear softly.
"You'll be tired after that.. I think it's better we do it now" He said pushing me away.

"Why do you always do that?" I asked loosing my temper.

"Do what?" He asked standing up.

"Why do you always get turned off when you see just a little thing that is not placed where it should be, it's my stupid files and I can whatever I want with them right now, I just want pleasure" I pointed at my hardness that was going soft now.

"We can't do that with your table looking untidy and your briefcase on the floor, this will take a minute or two I promise and then we can continue in the bedroom where I set everything up for us" He smiled.

"You know what? I'm just gonna wash up and go sleep, maybe.. just maybe you might wanna join me in shower" I tried again lowering my voice to a seductive whisper in his ears.

"Baby, is this the agreement contract you made with Mr Darren concerning the cars coming in next week, have you gone over this?" He picked up a file..

"That's just one of the many copies I made, I'm just gonna go freshen up and eat.. please wear something before Mrs Mabel who I know must be in her house right now walks in" I angrily said snatching the file from him.

He went back to arranging the table not even noticing if I was there.

I picked up my shirt and trouser and walked out of the door slamming the door.

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