Dr Love

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"you always say that all the time, you can handled it and what happens next.. their hands will be all over you.. touching what's supposed to be mine alone" Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"See? He's turning into an obsessive guy and that's how they turn toxic" Jon shook his head sitting back.

"Me.. toxic?" Gabriel turned red.

"Yeah and start beating people but just so you know before you think of touching me, I'm a surgeon and I'm good with knives.. I Know where to hit to send you to the great beyond"Jon said.

" See? He always threatens me with that? I'm a doctor. My family owns a hospital... My elder bro is a surgeon,my aunt is a gynaecologist,my sister is an optician.. we know how to give painful or painless death with a knife, I'm good with knives.. do surgeons get trained on how to kill people or actually save lives?"Gabriel looked at me.

" Jon, threatening your husband won't cut it for you, you'll only make him scared of you and what good will that be if your husband is actually scared of you"I said.

" I would never hurt my husband, I love him too much to even see him with a scratch"Jon looked his hands his expression turning sad.

" Doctor.. what are you saying? I'll never be scared of my baby.. he'll never hurt me.. isn't it against worth ethics to scold your patients? "Gabriel took Jon into his arms glaring at me.

" I didn't scold, I gave my advice as your therapist"I looked at the couple.

" Let's just talk about his toxic attitude"Jon said.

"Is that the only time he did that? "I asked.

" No, anytime I'm talking to a guy or when a woman is talking to me, he almost went to jail for punching a guy who hugged me from behind.. one of my colleagues at work"Jon shook his head.

" I've saved you more times than I can count tho, remember that guy you made friends with but he actually was a stalker? The woman who almost shoved her fake boob into your face, the .... "Gabriel began.

" Babe.. I'm thankful that you saved me many times but sometimes you have to let me handle things my own way"Jon said.

" You always wait until it's out of control"Gabriel shook his head.

" Okay.. Jon, I think the problem is that you're indeed clueless.. sorry but you are, when someone walks up to you and say, can we have dinner today?if it's not a professional dinner, he's flirting except he's your friend already.. flight to Miami, Night life? Now what do you do? In such situations.Hi Jon,wanna have dinner tomorrow at my place?"I asked looking at them.

" No, fuck off, my husband will punch you"Jon answered.

" Nope subtly draw the hint that you're married.. yeah  but I doubt my husband will agree with me so I'm just gonna go home to him, No, I have dinner date with my husband, No, my husband is waiting at home.. what do you think their reaction is? Oh.. you're married? I'm sorry"I smiled.

" And if they Insist? "Jon asked.

" Then that person Is an idiot.. that's where the my husband will punch if you get near me again, I'm married you fucking idiot and I don't wanna eat with you, you have other friends invite them for dinner and leave a married man the fuck alone"I smiled.

" Doctor, I like you"Gabriel laughed.

" If I get punched? "Jon asked.

" You can sue them for assault"I said.
" If I don't get my hands on them first"Gabriel kissed Jon.

" And Gabriel, the only time you step in is when it looks like it's out of control, don't punch or go around beating people.. you can just approach, Kiss your husband and ask if everything is okay? And then you ask to borrow your husband for a minute which never ends"I said.

" I love that"Jon smiled.

" Remember Jon, Don't give them hope or they'll keep flirting"I said.

"I'm starved"Gabriel said.

" Oh, it's 5:30pm,I can't believe we've been in here for six hours already , let's talk tomorrow.. same time"I smiled.

" Doctor, do you wanna join us for dinner? "Jon asked.

" No, My wife is waiting at home with our kids, she's good with frying pan when I don't clock in by 6:30"I smiled.

" Good night doc"they waved and walked out laughing.
" Such a lovely couple"I whispered under by breathr

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