Dr Love

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We sobered up in each other's arms and stared at each other as I ran my hands over her making sure this wasn't one of my dreams.

She was here. Alive.
"Why did you stop writing to me? Why did you return all the letter I wrote" she asked.

Her phone was taken away after they moved. The only way we could ever contact each other way through letters since I lost my phone while trying to catch get to the airport before their plane left.

"I didn't return the letters because I never got them, your father came back three months after you moved and told me you committed suicide that I had to stop writing those letters and putting your mother in pain. He blamed me for your death and threw the latest letters I wrote at me"I said.

" Oh my God"Nadia covered her mouth.

" I tried several times to kill myself but my dad threw me into rehab and actually joined me there, I couldn't do that to them.. they gave me life and I couldn't just take away their happiness so I lived, I became a therapist, I couldn't save my own relationship so I tried to save others"I hugged her again.

" Doctor Love"Nadia kissed my neck.
" You look better than I imagined you would be if had live... You are alive"I broke down and started crying.
The guilt and burden I've lived with all my life seemed like it was leaving through tears.

I couldn't just stop so she held me. Maybe I dozed off because when I woke up, I could smell food.

" Look who's awake"Jon said standing by the door.

" Why are you standing there?you would've have passed out if I didn't clean or fumigate the place earlier"I smiled at him.

" Jonnie,When we were younger,we would cuddle in her room,talking about our live together as a couple,she actually got the penthouse and dogs we spoke about"Nadia said walking out of the kitchen.

" Where's Gabriel? " I asked.

"He's with the dogs, the sitter brought them over .. I'm allergic not to dogs but animal fur in general" Jon answered.

" A secret, he's not allergic, he has zoophobia... He's scared of the smallest animals so he uses allergy as an excuse of not getting closer to them"Nadia laughed.

" Shut your big mouth"Jon glared at her.

" Come here"I opened my arms and Nadia straddled me as we held each other tightly.
" I don't expect you would come back to my place tonight so I brought an overnight bag"Jon said.

" I'll take my things tomorrow"Nadia smiled.

" You owe me the weekend, you haven't seen her for 12 years, One weekend isn't too much"Jon threw the bag at us refusing to leave the spot he was standing on.

" Even a minute matter"Isa smiled kissing Nadia.

" Bitches.. I'm gonna go find my own husband, I pity the dogs tho.. they're gonna be hearing strange weird sounds today and Nadia is a loud moaner and talks dirty"Jon said.

" Did you two hook up? "I asked

" No,Ewww. But we've been friends long enough to have walked into incidents and I actually slept on the floor one time while she had sex with her fling on my bed .. uhu"Jon screwed his face.

" You're not in a relationship are you? 'i asked.

"Nope.. relationship.. Nadia never did that, flings? She had lots of them.. you?" Jon asked.

"I am.. with that" I pointed at the big frame on the wall"but I have the real deal in my arms right now" I kissed Nadia.

"That's my cue" Jon walked into the elevator.

I smashed my lips against her soft ones missing the texture and drinking from her warmth.
"Ouch... You bit me and dinner is getting cold" Nadia held my hand which was cupping her full breast.

"I've been eating food for 12 years and I haven't had you" I played with her nipples which erected responding to my touch, I lifted up her blouse taking the hard peas into my mouth.

"Fuck" she moaned holding my head.

"I'll let the dogs into their cage and we'll spend the night making absolutely nothing but  love"I whispered into her ears and she shivered.

Damn, her panties was soaked already.

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